Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 Cbezier_segBezier curve segment
 Cbg_3d_spsr_optsScreened Poisson Surface Reconstruction from oriented point sets
 Cbg_trimesh_halfedgeAlgorithms related to 3D meshes built from triangles
 Cbu_opt_desc"Option description" structure
 Ccarc_segCircular arc segment
 Cdb_search_contextExecution context for the -exec filter
 Cdvec< LEN >
 Cdvec_internal< LEN >
 CedgeNMG topological edge
 Cedge_g_cnurbEdge NURBS curve geometry
 Cedge_g_lsegLine in 3D space
 CedgeuseNMG topological edge usage
 CfaceNMG topological face
 Cface_g_planePlanar face geometry
 Cface_g_snurbFace NURBS surface geometry
 CfaceuseNMG topological face usage
 Cfvec_internal< LEN >
 ChitInformation about where a ray hits the surface
 Cknot_vectorDefinition of a knot vector
 Cline_segLine segment
 CloopNMG topological loop
 Cloop_aLoop bounding box
 CloopuseNMG topological loop usage
 CmodelNMG topological model
 CnmgregionNMG topological region
 Cnmgregion_aRegion bounding box
 Cnurb_segNURB curve segment
 CPooledObject< T >
 CPooledObject< BBNode >
 CPooledObject< BRNode >
 CPooledObject< CurveTree >
 CPooledObject< Stl >
 Crt_pg_face_internalHas npoly elements
 CshellNMG topological shell
 Cshell_aShell bounding box
 CvertexNMG topological vertex - the simplest element of the topology system
 Cvertex_gPoint in 3D space
 CvertexuseNMG topological vertex usage
 Cvertexuse_a_cnurbVertexuse NURBS parameters
 Cvertexuse_a_planeVertexuse normal
 CxrayPrimary ray data structure