Information about where a ray hits the surface. More...

#include <hit.h>

Collaboration diagram for hit:

Data Fields

uint32_t hit_magic
fastf_t hit_dist
 dist from r_pt to hit_point More...
point_t hit_point
 DEPRECATED: Intersection point, use VJOIN1 hit_dist. More...
vect_t hit_normal
 DEPRECATED: Surface Normal at hit_point, use RT_HIT_NORMAL. More...
vect_t hit_vpriv
 PRIVATE vector for xxx_*() More...
void * hit_private
 PRIVATE handle for xxx_shot() More...
int hit_surfno
 solid-specific surface indicator More...
struct xrayhit_rayp
 pointer to defining ray More...

Detailed Description

Information about where a ray hits the surface.

Important Note: Surface Normals always point OUT of a solid.

DEPRECATED: The hit_point and hit_normal elements will be removed from this structure, so as to separate the concept of the solid's normal at the hit point from the post-boolean normal at the hit point.

Definition at line 61 of file hit.h.

Field Documentation

◆ hit_magic

uint32_t hit_magic

Definition at line 62 of file hit.h.

◆ hit_dist

fastf_t hit_dist

dist from r_pt to hit_point

Definition at line 63 of file hit.h.

◆ hit_point

point_t hit_point

DEPRECATED: Intersection point, use VJOIN1 hit_dist.

Definition at line 64 of file hit.h.

◆ hit_normal

vect_t hit_normal

DEPRECATED: Surface Normal at hit_point, use RT_HIT_NORMAL.

Definition at line 65 of file hit.h.

◆ hit_vpriv

vect_t hit_vpriv

PRIVATE vector for xxx_*()

Definition at line 66 of file hit.h.

◆ hit_private

void* hit_private

PRIVATE handle for xxx_shot()

Definition at line 67 of file hit.h.

◆ hit_surfno

int hit_surfno

solid-specific surface indicator

Definition at line 68 of file hit.h.

◆ hit_rayp

struct xray* hit_rayp

pointer to defining ray

Definition at line 69 of file hit.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: