Go to the documentation of this file.
1/* A N I M . H
3 *
4 * Copyright (c) 2004-2023 United States Government as represented by
5 * the U.S. Army Research Laboratory.
6 *
7 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
8 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
9 * version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
10 *
11 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
12 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
15 *
16 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
17 * License along with this file; see the file named COPYING for more
18 * information.
19 */
22/** @addtogroup bn_anim
23 * @brief
24 * Routines useful for moving geometry.
25 *
26 * Orientation conventions: The default object orientation is facing
27 * the positive x-axis, with the positive y-axis to the object's left
28 * and the positive z-axis above the object.
29 *
30 * The default view orientation for rt and mged is facing the negative
31 * z-axis, with the negative x-axis leading to the left and the
32 * positive y-axis going upwards.
33 */
34/** @{ */
35/** @file bn/anim.h */
37#ifndef BN_ANIM_H
38#define BN_ANIM_H
40#include "common.h"
41#include <stdio.h> /* For FILE */
42#include "vmath.h"
43#include "bn/defines.h"
47#define ANIM_STEER_NEW 0
48#define ANIM_STEER_END 1
50#define VSUBUNIT(a, b, c) { \
51 VSUB2(a, b, c); \
52 VUNITIZE(a); \
53 }
54#define FVSCAN(f, a) fscanf(f, "%lf %lf %lf", (a), (a)+1, (a)+2)
55#define FMATSCAN(f, m) { \
56 FVSCAN(f, (m)); \
57 FVSCAN(f, (m)+4); \
58 FVSCAN(f, (m)+8); \
59 FVSCAN(f, (m)+12); \
60 }
61#define VSCAN(a) scanf("%lf %lf %lf", (a), (a)+1, (a)+2)
62#define VPRINTS(t, a) printf("%s %f %f %f ", t, (a)[0], (a)[1], (a)[2])
63#define VPRINTN(t, a) printf("%s %f %f %f\n", t, (a)[0], (a)[1], (a)[2])
65#define MAT_MOVE(m, n) MAT_COPY(m, n)
67/***** 3x3 matrix format *****/
69typedef fastf_t mat3_t[9];
71#define MAT3ZERO(m) {\
72 int _j; for (_j=0;_j<9;_j++) m[_j]=0.0;}
74#define MAT3IDN(m) {\
75 int _j; for (_j=0;_j<9;_j++) m[_j]=0.0;\
76 m[0] = m[4] = m[8] = 1.0;}
78#define MAT3MUL(o, a, b) {\
79 (o)[0] = (a)[0]*(b)[0] + (a)[1]*(b)[3] + (a)[2]*(b)[6];\
80 (o)[1] = (a)[0]*(b)[1] + (a)[1]*(b)[4] + (a)[2]*(b)[7];\
81 (o)[2] = (a)[0]*(b)[2] + (a)[1]*(b)[5] + (a)[2]*(b)[8];\
82 (o)[3] = (a)[3]*(b)[0] + (a)[4]*(b)[3] + (a)[5]*(b)[6];\
83 (o)[4] = (a)[3]*(b)[1] + (a)[4]*(b)[4] + (a)[5]*(b)[7];\
84 (o)[5] = (a)[3]*(b)[2] + (a)[4]*(b)[5] + (a)[5]*(b)[8];\
85 (o)[6] = (a)[6]*(b)[0] + (a)[7]*(b)[3] + (a)[8]*(b)[6];\
86 (o)[7] = (a)[6]*(b)[1] + (a)[7]*(b)[4] + (a)[8]*(b)[7];\
87 (o)[8] = (a)[6]*(b)[2] + (a)[7]*(b)[5] + (a)[8]*(b)[8];}
89#define MAT3SUM(o, a, b) {\
90 int _j; for (_j=0;_j<9;_j++) (o)[_j]=(a)[_j]+(b)[_j];}
92#define MAT3DIF(o, a, b) {\
93 int _j; for (_j=0;_j<9;_j++) (o)[_j]=(a)[_j]-(b)[_j];}
95#define MAT3SCALE(o, a, s) {\
96 int _j; for (_j=0;_j<9;_j++) (o)[_j]=(a)[_j] * (s);}
98#define MAT3MOVE(o, a) {\
99 int _j; for (_j=0;_j<9;_j++) (o)[_j] = (a)[_j];}
101#define MAT3XVEC(u, m, v) {\
102 (u)[0] = (m)[0]*(v)[0] + (m)[1]*(v)[1] + (m)[2]*(v)[2];\
103 (u)[1] = (m)[3]*(v)[0] + (m)[4]*(v)[1] + (m)[5]*(v)[2];\
104 (u)[2] = (m)[6]*(v)[0] + (m)[7]*(v)[1] + (m)[8]*(v)[2];}
106#define MAT3TO4(o, i) {\
107 (o)[0] = (i)[0];\
108 (o)[1] = (i)[1];\
109 (o)[2] = (i)[2];\
110 (o)[4] = (i)[3];\
111 (o)[5] = (i)[4];\
112 (o)[6] = (i)[5];\
113 (o)[8] = (i)[6];\
114 (o)[9] = (i)[7];\
115 (o)[10] = (i)[8];\
116 (o)[3]=(o)[7]=(o)[11]=(o)[12]=(o)[13]=(o)[14]=0.0;\
117 (o)[15]=1.0;}
119#define MAT4TO3(o, i) {\
120 (o)[0] = (i)[0];\
121 (o)[1] = (i)[1];\
122 (o)[2] = (i)[2];\
123 (o)[3] = (i)[4];\
124 (o)[4] = (i)[5];\
125 (o)[5] = (i)[6];\
126 (o)[6] = (i)[8];\
127 (o)[7] = (i)[9];\
128 (o)[8] = (i)[10];}
130/** tilde matrix: [M]a = v X a */
131#define MAKE_TILDE(m, v) {\
132 MAT3ZERO(m);\
133 m[1]= -v[2]; m[2]=v[1]; m[3]= v[2];\
134 m[5]= -v[0]; m[6]= -v[1]; m[7]= v[0];}
136/** a = Ix Iy Iz b = Ixy Ixz Iyz*/
137#define INERTIAL_MAT3(m, a, b) {\
138 (m)[0] = (a)[0]; (m)[1] = -(b)[0]; (m)[2] = -(b)[1];\
139 (m)[3] = -(b)[0]; (m)[4] = (a)[1]; (m)[5] = -(b)[2];\
140 (m)[6] = -(b)[1]; (m)[7] = -(b)[2]; (m)[8]= (a)[2];}
143/* FIXME: These should all have bn_ prefixes */
146 * @brief Pre-multiply a rotation matrix by a matrix which maps the
147 * z-axis to the negative x-axis, the y-axis to the z-axis and the
148 * x-axis to the negative y-axis.
149 *
150 * This has the effect of twisting an object in the default view
151 * orientation into the default object orientation before applying the
152 * matrix. Given a matrix designed to operate on an object, yield a
153 * matrix which operates on the view.
154 */
155BN_EXPORT extern void anim_v_permute(mat_t m);
158 * @brief Undo the mapping done by anim_v_permute().
159 *
160 * This has the effect of twisting an object in the default object
161 * orientation into the default view orientation before applying the
162 * matrix. Given a matrix designed to operate on the view, yield a
163 * matrix which operates on an object.
164 */
165BN_EXPORT extern void anim_v_unpermute(mat_t m);
168 * @brief Transpose matrix in place
169 */
170BN_EXPORT extern void anim_tran(mat_t m);
173 * @brief
174 * Convert the rotational part of a 4x4 transformation matrix to zyx
175 * form, that is to say, rotations carried out in the order z, y, and
176 * then x. The angles are stored in radians as a vector in the order
177 * x, y, z. A return value of ERROR1 means that arbitrary assumptions
178 * were necessary. ERROR2 means that the conversion failed.
179 */
180BN_EXPORT extern int anim_mat2zyx(const mat_t viewrot,
181 vect_t angle);
184 * @brief
185 * Convert the rotational part of a 4x4 transformation matrix to
186 * yaw-pitch-roll form, that is to say, +roll degrees about the
187 * x-axis, -pitch degrees about the y-axis, and +yaw degrees about the
188 * z-axis. The angles are stored in radians as a vector in the order
189 * y, p, r. A return of ERROR1 means that arbitrary assumptions were
190 * necessary. ERROR2 means that the conversion failed.
191 */
192BN_EXPORT extern int anim_mat2ypr(mat_t viewrot,
193 vect_t angle);
196 * @brief
197 * This interprets the rotational part of a 4x4 transformation matrix
198 * in terms of unit quaternions. The result is stored as a vector in
199 * the order x, y, z, w. The algorithm is from Ken Shoemake,
200 * Animating Rotation with Quaternion Curves, 1985 SIGGraph Conference
201 * Proceeding, p.245.
202 */
203BN_EXPORT extern int anim_mat2quat(quat_t quat,
204 const mat_t viewrot);
207 * @brief Create a premultiplication rotation matrix to turn the front
208 * of an object (its x-axis) to the given yaw, pitch, and roll, which
209 * is stored in radians in the vector a.
210 */
211BN_EXPORT extern void anim_ypr2mat(mat_t m,
212 const vect_t a);
215 * @brief Create a post-multiplication rotation matrix, which could be
216 * used to move the virtual camera to the given yaw, pitch, and roll,
217 * which are stored in radians in the given vector a. The following
218 * are equivalent sets of commands:
219 *
220 * ypr2vmat(matrix, a);
221 * -- or --
222 * ypr2mat(matrix, a);
223 * v_permute(matrix);
224 * transpose(matrix;
225 */
226BN_EXPORT extern void anim_ypr2vmat(mat_t m,
227 const vect_t a);
230 * @brief
231 * Make matrix to rotate an object to the given yaw, pitch, and
232 * roll. (Specified in radians.)
233 */
234BN_EXPORT extern void anim_y_p_r2mat(mat_t m,
235 double y,
236 double p,
237 double r);
240 * @brief Make matrix to rotate an object to the given yaw, pitch, and
241 * roll. (Specified in degrees.)
242 */
243BN_EXPORT extern void anim_dy_p_r2mat(mat_t m,
244 double y,
245 double p,
246 double r);
249 * @brief Make a view rotation matrix, given desired yaw, pitch and
250 * roll. (Note that the matrix is a permutation of the object rotation
251 * matrix).
252 */
253BN_EXPORT extern void anim_dy_p_r2vmat(mat_t m,
254 double yaw,
255 double pch,
256 double rll);
259 * @brief Make a rotation matrix corresponding to a rotation of "x"
260 * radians about the x-axis, "y" radians about the y-axis, and then
261 * "z" radians about the z-axis.
262 */
263BN_EXPORT extern void anim_x_y_z2mat(mat_t m,
264 double x,
265 double y,
266 double z);
269 * @brief Make a rotation matrix corresponding to a rotation of "x"
270 * degrees about the x-axis, "y" degrees about the y-axis, and then
271 * "z" degrees about the z-axis.
272 */
273BN_EXPORT extern void anim_dx_y_z2mat(mat_t m,
274 double x,
275 double y,
276 double z);
279 * @brief Make a rotation matrix corresponding to a rotation of "z"
280 * radians about the z-axis, "y" radians about the y-axis, and then
281 * "x" radians about the x-axis.
282 */
283BN_EXPORT extern void anim_zyx2mat(mat_t m,
284 const vect_t a);
287 * @brief Make a rotation matrix corresponding to a rotation of "z"
288 * radians about the z-axis, "y" radians about the y-axis, and then
289 * "x" radians about the x-axis.
290 */
291BN_EXPORT extern void anim_z_y_x2mat(mat_t m,
292 double x,
293 double y,
294 double z);
297 * @brief
298 * Make a rotation matrix corresponding to a rotation of "z" degrees
299 * about the z-axis, "y" degrees about the y-axis, and then "x"
300 * degrees about the x-axis.
301 */
302BN_EXPORT extern void anim_dz_y_x2mat(mat_t m,
303 double x,
304 double y,
305 double z);
308 * @brief
309 * Make 4x4 matrix from the given quaternion Note: these quaternions
310 * are the conjugates of the quaternions used in the librt/qmath.c
311 * quat_quat2mat()
312 */
313BN_EXPORT extern void anim_quat2mat(mat_t m,
314 const quat_t qq);
317 * @brief
318 * make a matrix which turns a vehicle from the x-axis to point in the
319 * desired direction, staying "right-side up" (i.e. the y-axis never has
320 * a z-component). A second direction vector is consulted when the
321 * given direction is vertical. This is intended to represent the
322 * direction from a previous frame.
323 */
324BN_EXPORT extern void anim_dir2mat(mat_t m,
325 const vect_t d,
326 const vect_t d2);
329 * @brief make a matrix which turns a vehicle from the x-axis to point
330 * in the desired direction, staying "right-side up". In cases where
331 * the direction is vertical, the second vector is consulted. The
332 * second vector defines a normal to the vertical plane into which
333 * the vehicle's x and z axes should be put. A good choice to put here
334 * is the direction of the vehicle's y-axis in the previous frame.
335 */
336BN_EXPORT extern void anim_dirn2mat(mat_t m,
337 const vect_t dx,
338 const vect_t dn);
341 * @brief given the next frame's position, remember the value of the
342 * previous frame's position and calculate a matrix which points the
343 * x-axis in the direction defined by those two positions. Return new
344 * matrix, and the remembered value of the current position, as
345 * arguments; return 1 as the normal value, and 0 when there is not
346 * yet information to remember.
347 */
348BN_EXPORT extern int anim_steer_mat(mat_t mat,
349 vect_t point,
350 int end);
353 * @brief Add pre- and post- translation to a rotation matrix. The
354 * resulting matrix has the effect of performing the first
355 * translation, followed by the rotation, followed by the second
356 * translation.
357 */
358BN_EXPORT extern void anim_add_trans(mat_t m,
359 const vect_t post,
360 const vect_t pre);
363 * @brief Rotate the vector "d" through "a" radians about the z-axis.
364 */
365BN_EXPORT extern void anim_rotatez(fastf_t a,
366 vect_t d);
369 * @brief print out 4X4 matrix, with optional colon
370 */
371BN_EXPORT extern void anim_mat_print(FILE *fp,
372 const mat_t m,
373 int s_colon);
376 * @brief print out 4X4 matrix. formstr must be less than twenty
377 * chars
378 */
379BN_EXPORT extern void anim_mat_printf(FILE *fp,
380 const mat_t m,
381 const char *formstr,
382 const char *linestr,
383 const char *endstr);
386 * @brief Reverse the direction of a view matrix, keeping it
387 * right-side up
388 */
389BN_EXPORT extern void anim_view_rev(mat_t m);
393#endif /* BN_ANIM_H */
394/** @} */
396 * Local Variables:
397 * mode: C
398 * tab-width: 8
399 * indent-tabs-mode: t
400 * c-file-style: "stroustrup"
401 * End:
402 * ex: shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8
403 */
Header file for the BRL-CAD common definitions.
void anim_view_rev(mat_t m)
Reverse the direction of a view matrix, keeping it right-side up.
void anim_v_unpermute(mat_t m)
Undo the mapping done by anim_v_permute().
int anim_mat2quat(quat_t quat, const mat_t viewrot)
This interprets the rotational part of a 4x4 transformation matrix in terms of unit quaternions....
void anim_x_y_z2mat(mat_t m, double x, double y, double z)
Make a rotation matrix corresponding to a rotation of "x" radians about the x-axis,...
void anim_dz_y_x2mat(mat_t m, double x, double y, double z)
Make a rotation matrix corresponding to a rotation of "z" degrees about the z-axis,...
void anim_dir2mat(mat_t m, const vect_t d, const vect_t d2)
make a matrix which turns a vehicle from the x-axis to point in the desired direction,...
void anim_v_permute(mat_t m)
Pre-multiply a rotation matrix by a matrix which maps the z-axis to the negative x-axis,...
void anim_ypr2mat(mat_t m, const vect_t a)
Create a premultiplication rotation matrix to turn the front of an object (its x-axis) to the given y...
void anim_mat_printf(FILE *fp, const mat_t m, const char *formstr, const char *linestr, const char *endstr)
print out 4X4 matrix. formstr must be less than twenty chars
void anim_mat_print(FILE *fp, const mat_t m, int s_colon)
print out 4X4 matrix, with optional colon
void anim_rotatez(fastf_t a, vect_t d)
Rotate the vector "d" through "a" radians about the z-axis.
void anim_tran(mat_t m)
Transpose matrix in place.
void anim_dirn2mat(mat_t m, const vect_t dx, const vect_t dn)
make a matrix which turns a vehicle from the x-axis to point in the desired direction,...
void anim_add_trans(mat_t m, const vect_t post, const vect_t pre)
Add pre- and post- translation to a rotation matrix. The resulting matrix has the effect of performin...
void anim_zyx2mat(mat_t m, const vect_t a)
Make a rotation matrix corresponding to a rotation of "z" radians about the z-axis,...
void anim_quat2mat(mat_t m, const quat_t qq)
Make 4x4 matrix from the given quaternion Note: these quaternions are the conjugates of the quaternio...
void anim_dy_p_r2vmat(mat_t m, double yaw, double pch, double rll)
Make a view rotation matrix, given desired yaw, pitch and roll. (Note that the matrix is a permutatio...
fastf_t mat3_t[9]
Definition: anim.h:69
void anim_z_y_x2mat(mat_t m, double x, double y, double z)
Make a rotation matrix corresponding to a rotation of "z" radians about the z-axis,...
void anim_dy_p_r2mat(mat_t m, double y, double p, double r)
Make matrix to rotate an object to the given yaw, pitch, and roll. (Specified in degrees....
int anim_mat2ypr(mat_t viewrot, vect_t angle)
Convert the rotational part of a 4x4 transformation matrix to yaw-pitch-roll form,...
void anim_y_p_r2mat(mat_t m, double y, double p, double r)
Make matrix to rotate an object to the given yaw, pitch, and roll. (Specified in radians....
void anim_dx_y_z2mat(mat_t m, double x, double y, double z)
Make a rotation matrix corresponding to a rotation of "x" degrees about the x-axis,...
int anim_mat2zyx(const mat_t viewrot, vect_t angle)
Convert the rotational part of a 4x4 transformation matrix to zyx form, that is to say,...
int anim_steer_mat(mat_t mat, vect_t point, int end)
given the next frame's position, remember the value of the previous frame's position and calculate a ...
void anim_ypr2vmat(mat_t m, const vect_t a)
Create a post-multiplication rotation matrix, which could be used to move the virtual camera to the g...
void float float * y
Definition: tig.h:73
void float float float * z
Definition: tig.h:90
void float * x
Definition: tig.h:72
void int char int int double double * dx
Definition: tig.h:183
fastf_t vect_t[ELEMENTS_PER_VECT]
3-tuple vector
Definition: vmath.h:345
double fastf_t
fastest 64-bit (or larger) floating point type
Definition: vmath.h:330
fastf_t mat_t[ELEMENTS_PER_MAT]
4x4 matrix
Definition: vmath.h:366
hvect_t quat_t
4-element quaternion
Definition: vmath.h:360
fundamental vector, matrix, quaternion math macros