anim.h File Reference
#include "common.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include "vmath.h"
#include "bn/defines.h"
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#define ANIM_STEER_NEW   0
#define ANIM_STEER_END   1
#define VSUBUNIT(a, b, c)
#define FVSCAN(f, a)   fscanf(f, "%lf %lf %lf", (a), (a)+1, (a)+2)
#define FMATSCAN(f, m)
#define VSCAN(a)   scanf("%lf %lf %lf", (a), (a)+1, (a)+2)
#define VPRINTS(t, a)   printf("%s %f %f %f ", t, (a)[0], (a)[1], (a)[2])
#define VPRINTN(t, a)   printf("%s %f %f %f\n", t, (a)[0], (a)[1], (a)[2])
#define MAT_MOVE(m, n)   MAT_COPY(m, n)
#define MAT3ZERO(m)
#define MAT3IDN(m)
#define MAT3MUL(o, a, b)
#define MAT3SUM(o, a, b)
#define MAT3DIF(o, a, b)
#define MAT3SCALE(o, a, s)
#define MAT3MOVE(o, a)
#define MAT3XVEC(u, m, v)
#define MAT3TO4(o, i)
#define MAT4TO3(o, i)
#define MAKE_TILDE(m, v)
#define INERTIAL_MAT3(m, a, b)


typedef fastf_t mat3_t[9]


void anim_v_permute (mat_t m)
 Pre-multiply a rotation matrix by a matrix which maps the z-axis to the negative x-axis, the y-axis to the z-axis and the x-axis to the negative y-axis. More...
void anim_v_unpermute (mat_t m)
 Undo the mapping done by anim_v_permute(). More...
void anim_tran (mat_t m)
 Transpose matrix in place. More...
int anim_mat2zyx (const mat_t viewrot, vect_t angle)
 Convert the rotational part of a 4x4 transformation matrix to zyx form, that is to say, rotations carried out in the order z, y, and then x. The angles are stored in radians as a vector in the order x, y, z. A return value of ERROR1 means that arbitrary assumptions were necessary. ERROR2 means that the conversion failed. More...
int anim_mat2ypr (mat_t viewrot, vect_t angle)
 Convert the rotational part of a 4x4 transformation matrix to yaw-pitch-roll form, that is to say, +roll degrees about the x-axis, -pitch degrees about the y-axis, and +yaw degrees about the z-axis. The angles are stored in radians as a vector in the order y, p, r. A return of ERROR1 means that arbitrary assumptions were necessary. ERROR2 means that the conversion failed. More...
int anim_mat2quat (quat_t quat, const mat_t viewrot)
 This interprets the rotational part of a 4x4 transformation matrix in terms of unit quaternions. The result is stored as a vector in the order x, y, z, w. The algorithm is from Ken Shoemake, Animating Rotation with Quaternion Curves, 1985 SIGGraph Conference Proceeding, p.245. More...
void anim_ypr2mat (mat_t m, const vect_t a)
 Create a premultiplication rotation matrix to turn the front of an object (its x-axis) to the given yaw, pitch, and roll, which is stored in radians in the vector a. More...
void anim_ypr2vmat (mat_t m, const vect_t a)
 Create a post-multiplication rotation matrix, which could be used to move the virtual camera to the given yaw, pitch, and roll, which are stored in radians in the given vector a. The following are equivalent sets of commands: More...
void anim_y_p_r2mat (mat_t m, double y, double p, double r)
 Make matrix to rotate an object to the given yaw, pitch, and roll. (Specified in radians.) More...
void anim_dy_p_r2mat (mat_t m, double y, double p, double r)
 Make matrix to rotate an object to the given yaw, pitch, and roll. (Specified in degrees.) More...
void anim_dy_p_r2vmat (mat_t m, double yaw, double pch, double rll)
 Make a view rotation matrix, given desired yaw, pitch and roll. (Note that the matrix is a permutation of the object rotation matrix). More...
void anim_x_y_z2mat (mat_t m, double x, double y, double z)
 Make a rotation matrix corresponding to a rotation of "x" radians about the x-axis, "y" radians about the y-axis, and then "z" radians about the z-axis. More...
void anim_dx_y_z2mat (mat_t m, double x, double y, double z)
 Make a rotation matrix corresponding to a rotation of "x" degrees about the x-axis, "y" degrees about the y-axis, and then "z" degrees about the z-axis. More...
void anim_zyx2mat (mat_t m, const vect_t a)
 Make a rotation matrix corresponding to a rotation of "z" radians about the z-axis, "y" radians about the y-axis, and then "x" radians about the x-axis. More...
void anim_z_y_x2mat (mat_t m, double x, double y, double z)
 Make a rotation matrix corresponding to a rotation of "z" radians about the z-axis, "y" radians about the y-axis, and then "x" radians about the x-axis. More...
void anim_dz_y_x2mat (mat_t m, double x, double y, double z)
 Make a rotation matrix corresponding to a rotation of "z" degrees about the z-axis, "y" degrees about the y-axis, and then "x" degrees about the x-axis. More...
void anim_quat2mat (mat_t m, const quat_t qq)
 Make 4x4 matrix from the given quaternion Note: these quaternions are the conjugates of the quaternions used in the librt/qmath.c quat_quat2mat() More...
void anim_dir2mat (mat_t m, const vect_t d, const vect_t d2)
 make a matrix which turns a vehicle from the x-axis to point in the desired direction, staying "right-side up" (i.e. the y-axis never has a z-component). A second direction vector is consulted when the given direction is vertical. This is intended to represent the direction from a previous frame. More...
void anim_dirn2mat (mat_t m, const vect_t dx, const vect_t dn)
 make a matrix which turns a vehicle from the x-axis to point in the desired direction, staying "right-side up". In cases where the direction is vertical, the second vector is consulted. The second vector defines a normal to the vertical plane into which the vehicle's x and z axes should be put. A good choice to put here is the direction of the vehicle's y-axis in the previous frame. More...
int anim_steer_mat (mat_t mat, vect_t point, int end)
 given the next frame's position, remember the value of the previous frame's position and calculate a matrix which points the x-axis in the direction defined by those two positions. Return new matrix, and the remembered value of the current position, as arguments; return 1 as the normal value, and 0 when there is not yet information to remember. More...
void anim_add_trans (mat_t m, const vect_t post, const vect_t pre)
 Add pre- and post- translation to a rotation matrix. The resulting matrix has the effect of performing the first translation, followed by the rotation, followed by the second translation. More...
void anim_rotatez (fastf_t a, vect_t d)
 Rotate the vector "d" through "a" radians about the z-axis. More...
void anim_mat_print (FILE *fp, const mat_t m, int s_colon)
 print out 4X4 matrix, with optional colon More...
void anim_mat_printf (FILE *fp, const mat_t m, const char *formstr, const char *linestr, const char *endstr)
 print out 4X4 matrix. formstr must be less than twenty chars More...
void anim_view_rev (mat_t m)
 Reverse the direction of a view matrix, keeping it right-side up. More...