info.h File Reference
#include "common.h"
#include "raytrace.h"
#include "analyze/defines.h"
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Data Structures

struct  region_pair


typedef void(* overlap_callback_t) (const struct xray *ray, const struct partition *pp, const struct region *reg1, const struct region *reg2, double depth, void *callback_data)
typedef void(* exp_air_callback_t) (const struct partition *pp, point_t last_out_point, point_t pt, point_t opt, void *callback_data)
typedef void(* gaps_callback_t) (const struct xray *ray, const struct partition *pp, double gap_dist, point_t pt, void *callback_data)
typedef void(* adj_air_callback_t) (const struct xray *ray, const struct partition *pp, point_t pt, void *callback_data)
typedef void(* first_air_callback_t) (const struct xray *ray, const struct partition *pp, void *callback_data)
typedef void(* last_air_callback_t) (const struct xray *ray, const struct partition *pp, void *callback_data)
typedef void(* unconf_air_callback_t) (const struct xray *ray, const struct partition *in_part, const struct partition *out_part, void *callback_data)


struct region_pairadd_unique_pair (struct region_pair *list, struct region *r1, struct region *r2, double dist, point_t pt)
int analyze_obj_inside (struct db_i *dbip, const char *outside, const char *inside, fastf_t tol)
int analyze_find_subtracted (struct bu_ptbl *results, struct rt_wdb *wdbp, const char *pbrep, struct rt_gen_worker_vars *pbrep_rtvars, const char *curr_comb, struct bu_ptbl *candidates, void *curr_union_data, size_t ncpus)
fastf_t analyze_volume (struct current_state *context, const char *name)
fastf_t analyze_total_volume (struct current_state *context)
void analyze_volume_region (struct current_state *context, int index, char **reg_name, double *volume, double *high, double *low)
fastf_t analyze_mass (struct current_state *context, const char *name)
fastf_t analyze_total_mass (struct current_state *context)
void analyze_mass_region (struct current_state *context, int index, char **reg_name, double *mass, double *high, double *low)
void analyze_centroid (struct current_state *context, const char *name, point_t value)
void analyze_total_centroid (struct current_state *context, point_t value)
void analyze_moments (struct current_state *context, const char *name, mat_t value)
void analyze_moments_total (struct current_state *context, mat_t moments)
fastf_t analyze_surf_area (struct current_state *context, const char *name)
fastf_t analyze_total_surf_area (struct current_state *state)
void analyze_surf_area_region (struct current_state *state, int i, char **name, double *surf_area, double *high, double *low)
int perform_raytracing (struct current_state *context, struct db_i *dbip, char *names[], int num_objects, int flags)
struct current_state * analyze_current_state_init (void)
void analyze_free_current_state (struct current_state *context)
void analyze_set_azimuth (struct current_state *context, fastf_t azimuth)
void analyze_set_elevation (struct current_state *context, fastf_t elevation)
void analyze_set_grid_spacing (struct current_state *context, fastf_t gridSpacing, fastf_t gridSpacingLimit)
fastf_t analyze_get_grid_spacing (struct current_state *context)
void analyze_set_grid_ratio (struct current_state *context, fastf_t gridRatio)
void analyze_set_grid_size (struct current_state *state, fastf_t width, fastf_t height)
void analyze_set_aspect (struct current_state *context, fastf_t aspect)
void analyze_set_samples_per_model_axis (struct current_state *context, fastf_t samples_per_model_axis)
void analyze_set_overlap_tolerance (struct current_state *context, fastf_t overlap_tolerance)
void analyze_set_volume_tolerance (struct current_state *context, fastf_t volume_tolerance)
void analyze_set_mass_tolerance (struct current_state *context, fastf_t mass_tolerance)
void analyze_set_surf_area_tolerance (struct current_state *context, fastf_t sa_tolerance)
void analyze_set_ncpu (struct current_state *context, int ncpu)
void analyze_set_required_number_hits (struct current_state *context, size_t required_number_hits)
void analyze_set_quiet_missed_report (struct current_state *context)
void analyze_set_use_air (struct current_state *context, int use_air)
void analyze_set_num_views (struct current_state *context, int num_views)
void analyze_set_densityfile (struct current_state *context, char *densityFileName)
void analyze_set_volume_plotfile (struct current_state *context, FILE *plotvolume)
void analyze_enable_debug (struct current_state *context, struct bu_vls *vls)
void analyze_enable_verbose (struct current_state *context, struct bu_vls *vls)
int analyze_get_num_regions (struct current_state *context)
void analyze_set_view_information (struct current_state *context, double viewsize, point_t *eye_model, quat_t *orientation)
void analyze_register_overlaps_callback (struct current_state *context, overlap_callback_t callback_function, void *callback_data)
void analyze_register_exp_air_callback (struct current_state *context, exp_air_callback_t callback_function, void *callback_data)
void analyze_register_gaps_callback (struct current_state *context, gaps_callback_t callback_function, void *callback_data)
void analyze_register_adj_air_callback (struct current_state *context, adj_air_callback_t callback_function, void *callback_data)
void analyze_register_first_air_callback (struct current_state *context, first_air_callback_t callback_function, void *callback_data)
void analyze_register_last_air_callback (struct current_state *context, last_air_callback_t callback_function, void *callback_data)
void analyze_register_unconf_air_callback (struct current_state *context, unconf_air_callback_t callback_function, void *callback_data)