BRL-CAD's core C++ interface
Application Domain
The C++ interface is a object oriented API to BRL-CAD's core libraries around librt. The target group are developers of applications which use BRL-CAD as module.
Furthermore, this interface should be a good reference to the use of BRL-CAD's standard C interface.
The interface should be self-contained
I.e. source code using this interface should not need to include any other BRL-CAD header file (nor TCL, openNURBS, ...).
As a consequence the interface will hide implementation details. Therefore the implementation can be changed without affecting an application using this interface.
Main Classes
The ConstDatabase class provides a handle to read-only database content.
If it is associated with a file the file will be opened read-only. I.e. multiple instances of this class can refer to the same file.
The Database class provides a handle to a writable database. It is derived from ConstDatabase and expanded by methods to modify the database's content.