polygon.h File Reference
#include "common.h"
#include "vmath.h"
#include "bu/color.h"
#include "bn/tol.h"
#include "bv/defines.h"
#include "bg/defines.h"
#include "bg/polygon_types.h"
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Data Structures

struct  bv_polygon


#define CLIPPER_MAX   1518500249
 Functions for working with polygons. More...


enum  triangulation_t {


fastf_t bg_find_polygon_area (struct bg_polygon *gpoly, fastf_t sf, matp_t model2view, fastf_t size)
int bg_polygons_overlap (struct bg_polygon *polyA, struct bg_polygon *polyB, matp_t model2view, const struct bn_tol *tol, fastf_t iscale)
struct bg_polygonbg_clip_polygon (bg_clip_t op, struct bg_polygon *subj, struct bg_polygon *clip, fastf_t sf, matp_t model2view, matp_t view2model)
struct bg_polygonbg_clip_polygons (bg_clip_t op, struct bg_polygons *subj, struct bg_polygons *clip, fastf_t sf, matp_t model2view, matp_t view2model)
struct bg_polygonbg_polygon_fill_segments (struct bg_polygon *poly, vect2d_t line_slope, fastf_t line_spacing)
void bg_polygon_free (struct bg_polygon *gpp)
void bg_polygons_free (struct bg_polygons *gpp)
void bg_polygon_cpy (struct bg_polygon *dest, struct bg_polygon *src)
int bg_polygon_direction (size_t npts, const point2d_t *pts, const int *pt_indices)
 Test whether a polygon is clockwise (CW) or counter clockwise (CCW) More...
int bg_pnt_in_polygon (size_t npts, const point2d_t *pts, const point2d_t *test_pt)
 test whether a point is inside a 2d polygon More...
int bg_nested_polygon_triangulate (int **faces, int *num_faces, point2d_t **out_pts, int *num_outpts, const int *poly, const size_t poly_npts, const int **holes_array, const size_t *holes_npts, const size_t nholes, const int *steiner, const size_t steiner_npts, const point2d_t *pts, const size_t npts, triangulation_t type)
 Triangulate a 2D polygon with holes. More...
int bg_polygon_triangulate (int **faces, int *num_faces, point2d_t **out_pts, int *num_outpts, const int *steiner, const size_t steiner_npts, const point2d_t *pts, const size_t npts, triangulation_t type)
 Triangulate a 2D polygon without holes. More...
int bg_poly2tri_test (int **faces, int *num_faces, point2d_t **out_pts, int *num_outpts, const int *poly, const size_t poly_pnts, const int **holes_array, const size_t *holes_npts, const size_t nholes, const int *steiner, const size_t steiner_npts, const point2d_t *pts)
int bg_3d_polygon_area (fastf_t *area, size_t npts, const point_t *pts)
 Calculate the interior area of a polygon in a 3D plane in space. More...
int bg_3d_polygon_centroid (point_t *cent, size_t npts, const point_t *pts)
 Calculate the centroid of a non self-intersecting polygon in a 3D plane in space. More...
int bg_3d_polygon_sort_ccw (size_t npts, point_t *pts, plane_t cmp)
 Sort an array of point_ts, building a convex polygon, counter-clockwise. More...
int bg_3d_polygon_make_pnts_planes (size_t *npts, point_t **pts, size_t neqs, const plane_t *eqs)
 Calculate for an array of plane_eqs, which build a polyhedron, the point_t's for each face. More...
void bg_polygon_plot_2d (const char *filename, const point2d_t *pnts, int npnts, int r, int g, int b)
void bg_polygon_plot (const char *filename, const point_t *pnts, int npnts, int r, int g, int b)
void bg_tri_plot_2d (const char *filename, const int *faces, int num_faces, const point2d_t *pnts, int r, int g, int b)
struct bv_scene_objbv_create_polygon_obj (struct bview *v, struct bv_polygon *p)
struct bv_scene_objbv_create_polygon (struct bview *v, int type, int x, int y)
int bv_update_polygon (struct bv_scene_obj *s, struct bview *v, int utype)
void bv_polygon_vlist (struct bv_scene_obj *s)
struct bv_scene_objbv_select_polygon (struct bu_ptbl *objs, struct bview *v)
int bv_move_polygon (struct bv_scene_obj *s)
struct bv_scene_objbg_dup_view_polygon (const char *nname, struct bv_scene_obj *s)
int bv_polygon_csg (struct bu_ptbl *objs, struct bv_scene_obj *p, bg_clip_t op, int merge)