Sphere data structure and function declarations. Provides spherical data structures for texture mapping. More...

Collaboration diagram for Spherical Maps:


file  spm.h

Data Structures

struct  bn_spm_map_t


#define BN_SPM_MAP_NULL   (bn_spm_map_t *)0
#define BN_CK_SPM_MAP(_p)   BU_CKMAG(_p, BN_SPM_MAGIC, "bn_spm_map_t")


bn_spm_map_tbn_spm_init (int N, int elsize)
 Return a sphere map structure initialized for N points around the equator. More...
void bn_spm_free (bn_spm_map_t *mp)
 Free the storage associated with a sphere structure. More...
void bn_spm_read (register bn_spm_map_t *mapp, register unsigned char *valp, double u, double v)
 Read the value of the pixel at the given normalized (u, v) coordinates. It does NOT check the sanity of the coords. More...
void bn_spm_write (register bn_spm_map_t *mapp, register unsigned char *valp, double u, double v)
 Write the value of the pixel at the given normalized (u, v) coordinates. It does NOT check the sanity of the coords. More...
char * bn_spm_get (register bn_spm_map_t *mapp, double u, double v)
 Return a pointer to the storage element indexed by (u, v) coordinates. It does NOT check the sanity of the coords. More...
int bn_spm_load (bn_spm_map_t *mapp, char *filename)
 Read a saved sphere map from a file ("-" for stdin) into the given map structure. This does not check for conformity of size, etc. More...
int bn_spm_save (bn_spm_map_t *mapp, char *filename)
 Write a loaded sphere map to the given file ("-" for stdout). Returns -1 on error, else 0. More...
int bn_spm_pix_load (bn_spm_map_t *mapp, char *filename, int nx, int ny)
 Load an 'nx' by 'ny' pix file and filter it into the given sphere structure. More...
int bn_spm_pix_save (bn_spm_map_t *mapp, char *filename, int nx, int ny)
 Save a sphere structure as an 'nx' by 'ny' pix file. More...
void bn_spm_dump (bn_spm_map_t *mp, int verbose)
 Display a sphere structure on stderr. Used for debugging. More...

Detailed Description

Sphere data structure and function declarations. Provides spherical data structures for texture mapping.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define BN_SPM_MAP_NULL   (bn_spm_map_t *)0

Definition at line 44 of file spm.h.


#define BN_CK_SPM_MAP (   _p)    BU_CKMAG(_p, BN_SPM_MAGIC, "bn_spm_map_t")

Definition at line 45 of file spm.h.

Function Documentation

◆ bn_spm_init()

bn_spm_map_t * bn_spm_init ( int  N,
int  elsize 

Return a sphere map structure initialized for N points around the equator.

Malloc the storage and fill in the pointers. This code leaves a ring of "triangular" pixels at the poles. An alternative would be to have the pole region map to a single pixel.

Returns BN_SPM_NULL on error.

◆ bn_spm_free()

void bn_spm_free ( bn_spm_map_t mp)

Free the storage associated with a sphere structure.

◆ bn_spm_read()

void bn_spm_read ( register bn_spm_map_t mapp,
register unsigned char *  valp,
double  u,
double  v 

Read the value of the pixel at the given normalized (u, v) coordinates. It does NOT check the sanity of the coords.

0.0 <= u < 1.0 Left to Right
0.0 <= v < 1.0 Bottom to Top

◆ bn_spm_write()

void bn_spm_write ( register bn_spm_map_t mapp,
register unsigned char *  valp,
double  u,
double  v 

Write the value of the pixel at the given normalized (u, v) coordinates. It does NOT check the sanity of the coords.

0.0 <= u < 1.0 Left to Right
0.0 <= v < 1.0 Bottom to Top

◆ bn_spm_get()

char * bn_spm_get ( register bn_spm_map_t mapp,
double  u,
double  v 

Return a pointer to the storage element indexed by (u, v) coordinates. It does NOT check the sanity of the coords.

0.0 <= u < 1.0 Left to Right
0.0 <= v < 1.0 Bottom to Top

◆ bn_spm_load()

int bn_spm_load ( bn_spm_map_t mapp,
char *  filename 

Read a saved sphere map from a file ("-" for stdin) into the given map structure. This does not check for conformity of size, etc.

-1 on error, else 0.

◆ bn_spm_save()

int bn_spm_save ( bn_spm_map_t mapp,
char *  filename 

Write a loaded sphere map to the given file ("-" for stdout). Returns -1 on error, else 0.

◆ bn_spm_pix_load()

int bn_spm_pix_load ( bn_spm_map_t mapp,
char *  filename,
int  nx,
int  ny 

Load an 'nx' by 'ny' pix file and filter it into the given sphere structure.

-1 on error, else 0.

◆ bn_spm_pix_save()

int bn_spm_pix_save ( bn_spm_map_t mapp,
char *  filename,
int  nx,
int  ny 

Save a sphere structure as an 'nx' by 'ny' pix file.

-1 on error, else 0.

◆ bn_spm_dump()

void bn_spm_dump ( bn_spm_map_t mp,
int  verbose 

Display a sphere structure on stderr. Used for debugging.