
savekey — Saves the current viewing parameters in the specified file in the format expected by the rmats command.


savekey {file} [time]


Saves the current viewing parameters in the specified file in the format expected by the rmats command. If a time is included, it will also be written to the specified file. If the file already exists, the information will be appended to its end. The parameters saved this way are useful as keypoints in constructing an animation. The BRL-CAD anim_keyread program will read a file constructed by using the savekey command with some number of different views in MGED with sequential times specified. The anim_keyread program will produce a table of keyframes suitable for use with other BRL-CAD animation tools.


The example shows the use of the savekey command to save the current viewing parameters in a specified file and tag it as the key frame at a specified time.

Example 1. Save the current viewing parameters to a file.

mged>savekey key_file 5

Appends the current viewing parameters to key_file and tags this as the key frame at 5 seconds.




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