
lm — The command with no values argument lists the name of every region in the database (in alphabetical order), except for those marked as hidden with the hide command. If the values argument is supplied, only those regions with a “MUVES_Component” attribute having one of the values are listed.


lm [-l] [values]


The command with no values argument lists the name of every region in the database (in alphabetical order), except for those marked as hidden with the hide command. If the values argument is supplied, only those regions with a “MUVES_Component” attribute having one of the values are listed. The –l option specifies to use a long format showing object name, object type, major type, minor type, and length.


The first example shows the use of the lm command to list all regions having a MUVES_Component attribute with a specified value. The second example shows the use of the lm command to list all regions having a "MUVES_Component" attribute and one of two specified values. The -l option is also used to show the long format.

Example 1. List all regions having a "MUVES_Component" attribute and a specific value.

mged> lm engine

Lists all regions with a “MUVES_Component” attribute having a value of “engine.”

Example 2. List (using the long format) all regions having a "MUVES_Component" attribute and one of two specified values.

mged>lm –1 engine pilot

Lists (in the long format) all regions with a “MUVES_Component” attribute having a value of “engine” or “pilot.”




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