
facetize — Creates new_object as a BOT shape by tessellating all the primitive shapes in old_object and then performing any Boolean operations specified in old_object.


facetize [[-n] | [-t] | [-T]] [[-P] | [#]] {new_object old_object}


Creates new_object as a BOT shape by tessellating all the primitive shapes in old_object and then performing any Boolean operations specified in old_object. The -T option indicates that all faces in the new_object should be triangulated. The -n option specifies that the resulting shape should be saved as an NMG shape. The -t option is to create TNURB faces rather than planar approximations (this option is still under development). The -P option is intended to allow the user to specify the number of CPUs to use for this command, but it is currently ignored.


The example shows the use of the facetize command to create a facetized BOT version of an existing object (old_object) and renaming that facetized object( new_object).

Example 1. Create a facetized BOT version of an existing object.

mged> facetize region1.nmg region1.r

Creates a facetized BOT version of existing object region1.r.




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