

ls [-A -o -a -c -r -s -p -l] [objects]


Optional. Use attribute name/value pairs.
Optional. Match at least one attribue name value pair.
Optional. List all objects in db.
Optional. List all non-hidden objects in database.
Optional. List all non-hidden regions in database.
Optional. List all non-hidden primitives in database.
Optional. List all non-hidden primitives in database.
Optional. Display results in long format showing object name, object type, major type, minor type, and length.
Optional. Object(s) to list.

Return Value(s)[edit]

No Return Values for this command.


The "ls" command with no object argument lists the name of every object in the database (in alphabetical order) except for those marked as hidden with the hide command. If the object argument is supplied, only those objects are listed. The object argument may include regular expressions. If the -A option is used, then the arguments are expected to be a list of attribute name/value pairs, and objects having attributes that match the provided list are listed. By default, an object must match all the specified attributes in order to be listed; however, the -o flag indicates that an object matching at least one attribute name/value pair should be listed. See the attr command for information on how to set or get attributes. Regular expressions are not supported for attributes.


mged> ls shape*
List all objects with names beginning with "shape" (output is formatted).
mged> ls -a shape*
List all objects with names beginning with "shape."
mged> ls -p wheel*
List all primitives with names beginning with "wheel."
mged> ls -r wheel*
List all regions with names beginning with "wheel."
mged> ls -c suspension*
List all combinations with names beginning with "suspension."
mged> ls -A -o -r Comment {First comment} Comment {Second comment}
List all regions that have a "Comment" attribute that is set to either "First comment" or "Second comment."

See Also[edit]


Page Generated by David Loman on: 10/11/2007 at: 1:48:34 PM