Google Summer of Code/2014


GSoC 2014 With BRL-CAD[edit]

BRL-CAD was accepted as a mentoring organization for the Google Summer of Code! We accepted as many students as we had mentors and quality student proposals, the latter being the deciding factor this year. We accepted 11 students, of which 10 were successful in their projects. As an umbrella org, 3 of those students worked on projects for STEPcode, LibreCAD, and OpenSCAD.

Accepted Projects[edit]

Benchmark Performance Database[edit]

Embedding a framebuffer window[edit]

Online Geometry Viewer[edit]

STEP Libraries: Improving Thread Safety and Performance[edit]

  • Objective : Modify the existing STEP Libraries to make them thread safe. Implement multithreading (atleast) in lazyloading. Identify exisitig bottlenecks and improve the performance of the serial code.
  • Student : Pulkit Mittal
  • Project Proposal
  • Development Logs
  • Google-Melange

Creating a Geometry Conversion Library[edit]

Mesh Library Cleanup[edit]

UI Brushup of OpenSCAD[edit]

Python Geometry[edit]

Materials Database Project[edit]

Object-oriented C++ Geometry API[edit]

LibreCAD Kernel[edit]

Additional Information[edit]

Students discussed and collaborated with BRL-CAD developers on formulating projects with most selecting from a detailed list of project suggestions from our Project Ideas page. Student applications for GSoC will be accepted at from March 10 through March 21.