MGED CMD track

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track [parameters]


See specifics below.

Return Value(s)[edit]

No Return Values for this command.


he "track" command builds a simple representation of the linked track of a vehicle such as a tank. With no command line arguments, the track command will prompt for all the required input. The vehicle is assumed to be axis-aligned with the front in the +x direction. A combination name for the track is built by appending a unique number to the string "track." The information about the track may be included on the command line, and is order-dependent. The parameters are (in order):

x coordinate of center of frontmost roadwheel.
x coordinate of center of rearmost roadwheel.
z coordinate of center of all roadwheels.
radius of all roadwheels.
x coordinate of center of drive wheel (rear).
z coordinate of center of drive wheel (rear).
radius of drive wheel.
x coordinate of center of idler wheel (front).
z coordinate of center of idler wheel (front).
radius of idler wheel.
y coordinate of right side of track.
y coordinate of left side of track.
track thickness.


mged> track 500 0 10 10 -50 50 10 550 50 10 -50 -20 2
Build a simple track using the provided arguments.

See Also[edit]

No related commands.

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