

Development Logs

Community Bonding Period

Progress through the community bonding period

Coding Period

Progress through the coding period.

Ctypesgen Project Repo :

TCL Project Repo :

  • Week 1
    • 14 May Introduced bindings and examples for primitives : arb4, arb5, arb7
    • 15 May Introduced bindings and examples for primitives : tec, trc
    • 16 May Introduced bindings and examples for primitives : rhc, rec
    • 17 May Introduced bindings and examples for primitives : ehy, epa
    • 18 May
      • Introduced primtive : ell1
      • Going through libged to figure out how the 'in' command works. Edit : Found it, thanks to Cezar :)
      • Reading through the code of the ell primitive in librt to understand how primitives behave at a ground level. There's a lot going on, might take me a while to figure everything out.
      • Sean recommended going through the various READMEs scattered across the code, will start on those too and log progress here.
    • 19 May
      • Introduced the primitive : part
      • Trying to understand how certain parts of the pipe() function have been handled by nmz's code.
    • 20 May
      • Introduced bindings and example for : tor, eto & grip
      • Going through to libged/ to understand how it works? Seems good so far.
  • Week 2
    • 21 May
      • Introduced bindings and example for the primitive : half
      • I've understood how functions
      • We're trying to figure out the ??? in : tcl -> .g . src/mged/setup.c (converts tcl to c commands) -> ??? -> include/rt/db_io.h -> .g
      • I learnt about opendb, which calls the f_opendb() function defined in src/mged/mged.c. to open and create new databases, this will be handy in our pipeline.
    • 22 May
      • Fixed primtive examples for arbx and sph
      • Did mged tutorials 6-8
      • Went through libged to understand how it work
    • 23 May :
      • Went through Hacking-BRL-CAD, I really wish I had found this document way earlier!
      • Couldn't get a lot of work done because of a research paper deadline I'm working on.
    • 24 May :
      • I've started documenting the project so far. The major subtopics I'm documenting are :
        • What is python brlcad?
        • How to setup python brlcad?
        • How do the different parts of the code work?
        • Creating geometry using existing primtives
        • Introducing and experimenting with primitives
        • Further Work
    • 25 May
      • Continuing work on the documentation.
      • I'm still not able to build a page using doxygen, I've dropped a message on Zulip and hope to get it resolved soon :)
    • 26-27 May
      • Took the weekend off to travel to the beach nearby, Last two weeks have been really hectic with GSoC work and my research paper deadline nearing up on the first of June!
    • 28 May - 4th June
      • No major GSoC work was done during this period because of an external submission deadline at a research conference.
  • Week 3
    • 5 June
      • Resumed GSoC work. Had a conversation with @Sean and updated him regarding the lag in project.
      • Revised through libwdb and some sample scripts in src/shapes and src/proc-db to get a hang on how .g files can be made using libwdb.
      • The plan now is to introduce a new primitive name "script" in librt. As a part of creating it, I'm going to have to define the syntax of the scripts that the primitive will parse.
    • 6 June
      • Major part of workday so far has been on understanding libged/typein.c that deals with the in command. I feel like we can incorporate a script keyword in this file itself. Also, waiting to hear from the mentors about what they think of this idea vs incorporating a new primitive.
    • 7 June
      • I've modified scripts in proc-db to better understand how to interact with libwdb's API.
      • I'm also trying to figure out where the logic for the main 'script' parser would go. I feel like putting it inside libwdb would be a logical choice.
    • 8 June
      • SVN has been acting weird today for me, despite multiple attempts (20+), I've been unable to checkout the repo. It seems to be an issue with my university proxy server but I'm not sure yet. I've been messing around a lot and have broken something which I can't seem to fix and hence am attempting to pull the latest build.
      • I've been scanning through libged and mged to figure out how file upload works in mged. That'll be the first challenge in working with the 'script' parser.
      • Discussion with Sean today is going-on. To be updated
    • 9 June
      • Today was majorly spent understanding the ctypesges approach as proposed by Kanzure.
      • ctypesgen seems to be automatically generating bindings for the c code and feels like a neat approach.
    • 10th June
      • Sean assisted with a path to fix some installation errors in the ctypegen code. It was due to certain missing header files.
      • We were facing issues in installations but once Sean explained about how lib_bundles work, I was able to get everything running.
      • I also wrote and submitted a script that does what proc-db/wdb_example.c does using the tcl (nmz) approach and have submitted it for review. We will not decide whether to go ahead with the tcl approach or the ctypesgen one.
  • Week 4 : Evaluation Period.
  • Week 5
    • 17th June
      • src/tcl/generic/tclParse.c seemed like a good place to understand how tcl scripts are parsed. Spent the entire day reading this code and trying to understand it.
    • 18th June
      • tclParse.c is very very complicated and I feel like it'll be less of a challenge to write the parsing script from scratch. I plan to use pyparsing (lib) to create the parser.
      • Spent the day learning how pyparsing works and going through it's tutorial series.
      • pyparsing requires a BNF of the script format to work with.
      • I'm planning to use tcl scripts as input for the procedural geometry because they are already in use in the BRLCAD ecosystem and I don't want to introduce a new file format.
      • Creating a BNF for tcl is turning out to be a complicated job
      • I've been at this for hours now and finally, I've come across this on the TCL website : Essentially you cannot have a BNF for TCL.
    • 19th June
      • I'm just going to write a vanilla parser and add functionality as modules slowly.
      • Basic TCL script parsing is working now.
      • The script parser works with python-brlcad (ctypesgen) to read tcl scripts and creating corresponding .g objects
    • 20th June
      • Changed the structure of the code and refactored it a bit.
      • Right now arguments in scripts are being passed as constants but having variables would be an integral part of procedural geometry too.
      • Changed the primitive creation code so that variable parsing can be introduced later.
    • 21st June
      • Some primitives are still remaining in the script parser. Adding those and making some finishing touches.
    • 22nd June
      • Introduced arbn and pipe primitives. All primitives are now accounted for.
      • Introduced the ability to parse variables. Procedure geometry is all about re-using procedures and creating complicated objects easily. Such an approach would require the use of variables. Currently variables can be given a value and while making shapes these variables are swapped out for their values.
      • I'm handling variables as they're used by tcl scripts.
    • 23rd June
      • Now comes the tough part. I've have to introduce procedures. A procedure is any "function" that draws one or more shapes and may (usually has) have arguments passed to it that are used during shape creation.
      • After a fair amount of reading, I've decided to go with tcl's procedures ( definition to procedures in the script.
  • Week 6
    • 24th June
      • Some basic changes in variable parsing. Resolved errors that were creeping in due to line spacing/indentation.
    • 25th June
      • Writing an interpreter seems to be far more difficult that I had imaged. I've been at this for hours now and I can't figure out a good enough flow (sequence) in which I should parse the different parts of a script.
      • The major issue seems to be with handling expressions and variable substitution within procedures at run-time. To tackle this, I've decide to encode each procedure (proc in the script) as an object of the procedure class ( and initialize it with all the global and local variables it might require.
      • On run-time then expressions would be executed based on the arguments passed and the final values would be substituted then.
      • Has turned out to be very helpful. Not directly, but in a way guides you on how to tackle the problem.
    • 26th June
      • Introduced proc_finder, responsible for extracting exact procedure strings from the script. Used the generic closed parenthesis calculation using a stack.
      • Introduced basic-bone structure for the
    • 27th June
      • Argument extract from procedures done so far.
    • 28th June
      • I'm trying to create a BNF so that the syntactic parser can execute expressions containing variables and constants. Though, I've never understood how BNFs work. Time to read up! There is a set of tools, called parser generators, which accept a grammar as an input and automatically generate a parser for you based on that grammar.
    • 29th June
      • Work has started on the arithmetic syntax parser. It will be used to evaluate mathematical equations (BODMAS expressions) in the procedural scripts.
      • Introduced a bare bones structure with functionality to add and subtract.
    • 30th June
      • There was in issue with white spaces being present in the equations, fixed that today.
  • Week 7
    • 2nd July
      • I wake up on Monday to resume working. Start reading what I've written and I feel like :
      • Nonetheless I start adding comments and working finishing the parser. I've added functionality to divide and multiple.
      • Parenthesis are now being taken care of! :)
    • 3rd July
      • I just realized about a massive blunder I've made. I can't account for negative or floating point numbers :|. Start frantically working on it. Difficult to think around it but fairly easy to implement I'd say.
      • The arithmetic parser is ready. I now import it into the script parser and write code to extract "mathematical expressions" from the script and feed it to the parser.
      • Feel like I should document my functions better. Add basic description to major functions in
    • 4th July
      • I've found a bug in how proc structures are being extracted from the script. Fixing it should be easy.
      • Turns out, isn't easy. Still working on a fix (without breaking a lot of other things).
    • 5th July
      • Skipped today, didn't do much work today :/
    • 6th July
      • YES! Procs get extracted properly. The bug was fixed by finding the last line of proc-definition, and then using it for further tasks.
    • 7th July
      • Now we're extracted procs, time go get started on parsing them.
      • Global variable substitution : Done
      • Local variable substitution : Done
  • Week 8
    • 9th July
      • Expression evaluation within procs using global and local variables done.
      • There is still a bug that creeps in during argument substitution (when a proc is called), working on a fix now.
      • Things are looking good. The entire script parser should be ready in a day or two!
    • 10th July
      • Implemented the python version of
      • <<Evaluation Period has started! Eeek!>>
    • 11th July
      • Worked on reducing the size of the (Made it under 100 lines)
      • My approach was not right, better abstractions are expected.
    • 13th July
      • Rounded_rcc procedure implemented and pushed.
      • Discussion with Sean regarding how the procedural scripts will be interacted with.
  • Week 9
    • 16th July
      • Basic Sanity Checks for the Rounded_rcc procedure are in place.
      • Work to couple the script primitive with the pythonic parser starts today!
    • 17th July
      • Made changes as required to rename files and libraries.
      • Updated files, tests and examples.
      • Tested files to make sure nothing is breaking on new build.
    • 18th July
      • Made the spreadsheets that investigate which wdb functions are on the python side and which are currently not. Pushed this to github as well.
      • Started work on rt_script_describe(). Reading previous primitives and understanding how files work.
    • 19th July
      • Sean has nicely given instruction on what do and they seem to be straightforward. I'm having issues with parsing strings, I'm using a character array but I'm sure there has be a better way.
      • Modified typein.c to take appropriate input
    • 20th July
      • I've found something called bu_vls which seems to be handling scripts.
  • Week 10
    • 23rd July
      • Finished work on the excel sheet (added list of primitives with mk_primitive function)
      • Discussion with Sean regarding re-writing my file printing code snippet.
    • 24th July
      • The (null) printing was fixed.
      • Mged now though crashes with Segfault 11 when executing the in command for creating script.
      • Re-wrote the code snippet to modify l describe to print file contents.
      • Can now print file contents with hardcoded file path but cannot store file name.
    • 25th July
      • Today's work was more about failing to do a lot of things rather than actually being able to do them.
      • I thought that I was having a problem with the bu_vls struct so tried to use a char array to store the filename in typein.c.
      • I then started looking at the code and debugging line by line and found the bug. It was occurring because in src/librt/primitives/ell.c, fname could not be read from the rt_ell_internal struct
    • 26th July
      • I also spent a considerable amount of time reading through import5() and export5() function in dsp.c and ebm.c to understand how they handle input strings. A lot of doubts were cleared by debugging using bu_log. Have a few major doubts, have shared them on the IRC.
      • The best resources :,
      • Learnt to debug using lldb and also caught my first initialization error!
      • Explored include/bu/file.h to see file opening options. bu_temp_file() as Sean suggested is a *possible* way to go.
      • [Minor Task] Compiled and shared list of primitives not implemented in python brlcad.
    • 27th July
      • Started working on fixing the script primitive, but even there, I'd constantly get a seg fault. I thought they were initialization issues and I tried to fix them here and there but nothing worked
  • Week 11
    • 30th July
      • Created the Tutorial folder in github ( It has currently two files which explain how to create shapes procedurally.
      • : Uses the draw_primitive file to create geometry. Advantage of using it is : better naming of functions and easier handling of arguments that are passed. This file is tested and complete and creates all shapes.
      • : Used the actual wrappers, without an intermediate file. This file is not totally tested and hence might break. Will be fixed in the next commit.
    • 1st August
      • Primitives missing from the scene were introduced : bot, grip, superell, submodel, ebm.
      • I tried to create ars and metaball but there seem to be issues popping up. I'm fixing them. The issue with metaball is something that is followed on from GSoC'14. Look at May 29 Entry :
      • With ars and metaball there's some issues on the binding side. There was an issue with the fastf_t *verts[5], Error :: expected LP_c_double_Array_5 instance instead of LP_c_double_Array_5.
      • Re-arrangements in the scene take up a little more time than expected but that's not a major issue.
    • 2nd August
      • Learnt to work with sketch, extrude and revolve in mged.
      • Moved a few shapes (3) from the z-orientation to the y-orientation.
      • Browsed code to create the script primitive in the python API and found what "I think" are some errors. I've changed the code a bit and I've almost managed to get it to work. I know exactly what to change further (hopefully) and it should be up and running in the next commit.
    • 3rd August - 5th August
      • Finally, the scene (with most of the primitives is close to completion)
      • The scene is now along the x-y plane, growing vertically along the z-axis.
    • 6th August
      • Refined the arb* constructions in the scene by better orienting some and re-drawing some to improve viewing angles.
      • Superell and ebm introduced in the scene.
      • Progress done on the script primitive front. I've now understood that there are 3 different ways to pass arguments to the script primitive. Figuring out the exact parameters for the points and vertices didn't take very long (~1.5 hours because in python data-types are not defined and experimenting with logging requires re-installing the entire package again and again).
  • Week 12
    • 7th August
    • 8th August
      • The sketch primitive binding (on the ctypesgen end) was broken/out-dated.
      • Although I was able to figure out how to pass arguments, there were issues with respect the modules involved.
      • Thanks a ton to Cezar for pointing out some deprecated features, but the errors just won't stop.
    • 9th August
      • Spent some time figuring out the sketch primitive but then eventually gave up.
      • I started writing the describe function for the script primitive.
    • 10th August
      • A little into today and I've completed the describe function.
      • There's an issue in rt_script_export5(). This is with regard to the space allocated for the buffer (ep->extbytes).
      • Also, 4 characters seemed to be creeping into the struct (rt_script_internal *) script_ip->s_type variable. For now I've handled them by copying the bu_vls to a char array and then chopping off the first 4 characters in the char array.
      • script_ip->s_type still remains to be fixed, but I imagine the fix would be minor.
    • 12th August