Google Summer of Code/2013

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GSoC 2013 With BRL-CAD[edit]

BRL-CAD was again accepted as a mentoring organization for the Google Summer of Code!

Following is a summary of our 7 GSoC students accepted to work on projects for BRL-CAD, all successful. As an umbrella org, 1 of those students work for STEPcode. See the links to their personal profile, development logs, and project page.

Accepted Projects[edit]

Image Processing Library (LIBICV)[edit]

NURBS Intersections[edit]

STEP libraries[edit]

Pull Routine for reversing the effects of push on Geometry[edit]

New Cross-Platform 3D Display Manager[edit]

Web Interface of BRL-CAD[edit]

Heart primitive[edit]

Additional Information[edit]

Students discussed and collaborated with BRL-CAD developers on formulating projects with most selecting from a detailed list of project suggestions from our Project Ideas page. Student applications for GSoC were accepted at from April 22nd until May 3rd.