Official logo criteria
- Color: Dark gray left link, ruby red right link, white pins. Similar to those in our sticker design (see below).
- Pins: not too big (e.g. sticker is ~75% diameter), not too small (e.g., 5880984918556672 is 50%). probably want 61.8% ;-)
- Links should be the same size (balanced), horizontally even, and angled ~90 degrees
- No artifacts or discontinuities (should be smooth all around)
- With or without white pins
- Left link can be black to light grey in color
- Sans serif BRL-CAD text can be overlaid or underneath
- Can be B&W, flat color, or shaded color
Obtaining the Logo
We've had a LOT of logo design activity last year and even more this year under the Google Code-In program. Thanks, Google and participating students!
Here are our current best versions to use for deriving new work:
- Sticker Design (pin radius too big, manually color-corrected)
- 5880984918556672 - Andromeda Galaxy .g and .png files (pin radius too small)
- 5632476651192320 - Marc Tannous .g file (colors off)
- 6180749191413760 - Sharan Narayan .png/.svg (has a discontinuity, colors off)
- 6237896147206144 - Chan Ho Jun .g file (pins missing, colors off)
- 5765013537030144 - Daniel .g file (basis for sticker, pin radius too big, colors off)
Included above are some images as well as 3D geometry (.g) files that you can open with BRL-CAD to modify them or render new versions.
Do NOT use the black and red "Angelov" version of our logo for new design work:
- http://brlcad.org/images/logo/ (transparency artifacts, color off, left link uneven)