Google Summer of Code/2013
GSoC 2013 With BRL-CAD
BRL-CAD has again been accepted as a mentoring organization for the Google Summer of Code!
Following is a summary for each of the GSoC students accepted to work on projects for BRL-CAD. See the links to their personal profile, development logs, and project page.
Accepted Projects
Image Processing Library (LIBICV)
- Summary : To consolidate and add image processing functions to LIBICV an image processing library in BRL-CAD.
- Student :Mohit Daga
- Project Proposal
- Development Logs
- Google-Melange
NURBS Intersections
- Summary: Calculate NURBS surface-surface intersections for NURBS evaluation.
- Student :Jianbang Wu
- Project Proposal
- Development Logs
- Google-Melange
STEP libraries
- Summary: Cleanup and performance enhancements in STEP, current standard for exchange of CAD data.
- Student: Kesha Shah
- Project Proposal
- Development Logs
- Google-Melange
Matrix Pull Routine for performing the opposite of the Matrix Push on Geometry.
- [?? Summary]: The pull routine takes a specific node on a CSG tree, walking down to the primitive shapes restoring the geometric transformations(scaling, translation or rotations) at each stage down the CSG tree traversal based on reversing all the geometric transformations that occurred on the primitive shapes located at the leaf. Pull routine also stores the local coordinate systems at each point during the traversal from the primitives up to the given initial node. All transformation matrices visited along the tree will be set to their original transformation matrices. This command will fail if no changes occurred to the primitive shapes at the leaves of the CSG tree.
- Student: Check Nyah
- Project Proposal
- Development Logs
- Google-Melange
New Cross-Platform 3D Display Manager
- Summary: Creating a new cross-platform 3D display manager using Qt.
- Student: Bogolin Simion Vlad
- Project Proposal
- Development Logs
- Google-Melange
Web Interface of BRL-CAD
- Summary: To enable the user to make 3D models in BRL-CAD from browser.
- Student: Harmanpreet Singh
- Project Proposal
- Development Logs
- Google-Melange
More projects to be added.
Additional Information
Students discussed and collaborated with BRL-CAD developers on formulating projects with most selecting from a detailed list of project suggestions from our Project Ideas page. Student applications for GSoC were accepted at from April 22nd until May 3rd.