This article provides knowledge about different types of geometric primitive objects that can be exported from BRL-CAD to POV-Ray geometry file. Their properties, functions used for them, parameters are discussed in section below.
To Know more about POV-Ray, here are some links below:
- Introduction to POV-Ray
- Adding Standard include files, Camera, Light source in POV-Ray Geometry file
Below is the list of primitives that are working/exported correctly, partially and not touched yet.
Primitives that are working properly
Sphere is formed by Center and Radius Example:
sphere { Center, Radius [OBJECT_MODIFIERS...]}
Torus is created using major radius and minor radius Example:
torus { 4, 1 pigment { Green }}
This primitive of BRL-CAD is named as Cone in POV-Ray. It is formed as Center and radius of one end Center and radius of other end Example:
cone {<0, 1, 0>, 0.3 <1, 2, 3>, 1.0 texture { T_Stone25 scale 4 }}
This is formed by Cylender of POV-Ray. center_of_one_end, center_of_other_end and Radius Example:
cylinder { <0, 1, 0>,<1, 2, 3>,0.5 }}
This primitive is named as spheroid in POV-Ray. It is having Center Vector, Radius Vector Example:
Spheroid(<-1.50,3.00,-2.00>,<2.0,1.2,2.5> )
This primitive is formed in POV-Ray using mesh.The mesh object can be used to efficiently store large numbers of triangles. Example:
mesh{triangle{a,b,c}triangle{a,c,d}triangle{a,d,f} triangle{g,h,c}triangle{e,f,g}triangle{e,g,h}}
This primitives of BRL-CAD is formed in POV-Ray by using Round_Cone2 of POV-Ray. Example:
Round_Cone2( //point A, radius A: <0,0,0>,0.70, // point B, radius B:<0,1,0>, 0.40,)
Truncated General Cone
This primitive of BRL-CAD is formed by using Supercone of POV-Ray. Example:
Supercone( //point A, axis Ax, axis Az:<0.0,0.0,0.0>, 0.5, 1.0, // point B, axis Bx, axis Bz:<0.0,1.5,0.0>, 0.7, 0.4)}