Webpage for development logs for GSoC 2015
Community Bonding Period
TODO list
- figure out if there is any major difference between .csg and .scad, except of expressions and modules
- figure out what parser to use (if it’s yacc/bison or re2c or any other, I’ll get involved and research what benefits does each offer)
- figure out how to use it, have a very simple demo set up within BRL-CAD build hooks
28 april
- made wiki pages for account, proposal, logs
29 april
-reread participation expectations and HACKING
-came up with the following grammar for parsing group() functions:
expr -> group_begin token group_end
token -> group_content token | expr
where group_begin is "group() {"
token is [a-z]+ "("*")";
and group_end is "}"