User:Level zero/GSOC13/api
for bwrect, pixrect Comments
- Removes a rectangular portion of a potentially huge image.
- orig, is the point that corresponds to Bottom left corner to extract the image from
- area corresponds to the total number of pixels in the new map.
- img_out is the output image.
void icv_rect(const icv_image_t *img, const icv_point_t *area, const icv_point_t *orig icv_image_t *img_out);
for bwcrop
- Crops file with arbitrary points
- p1, p2, p3, p4 are left lower, right lower, left upper and right upper points respectively.
- img_out is the output image.
void icv_crop(const icv_image_t *img, const icv_point_t *p1, const icv_point_t *p2, const icv_point_t *p3, const icv_point_t *p4, const icv_size_t *outsize, icv_image_t *img_out);
Operations (Group2)
for bwdiff, pixdif
- Performs airthmetic operations between the pixels of two images.
- img_1 and img_2 are two input images.
- img_out is the output image.
void icv_airth2(const icv_image_t* img1, const icv_image_t* img2, const icv_operation_t *opr, icv_image_t *img_out)
for bwmod
- Performs airthmetic operations with a value on the pixels of the input image, the resultant array is stored in the same input image.
- orig, is the point that corresponds to Bottom left corner to extract the image from
- img_out is the output image.
void icv_airth1(const icv_image_t* img, const icv_operation_t *oper[], const int numop);
for Pixsaturate
- img is the input image.
- saturation is the saturation value
- img_out is the output image.
void icv_saturate(const icv_image_t *img, const double saturation, icv_image_t *img_out);
Filters (Group3)
for bwfilter, pixfilter, pix3filter, pixfade
- img is the input image.
- kernel is the corresponds to kernel used for image fileter
- img_out is the output image.
void icv_filter(const icv_image_t *img, const icv_kernel_type_t kernel; icv_image_ *img_out);
Histogram (Group4)
for bwhist, pixhist
- img is the input image
- bin is the number of bins for calculating histogram
- bin_out1, bin_out2 and bin_out3 are the pointers for output histograms
- For three channel image this is called with all the three output pointers, for bw image this is called with pointers only for first and others are left as NULL
void icv_hist(const icv_image_t *img, const int bin, long *bin_out1, long *bin_out2, long *bin_out3);
for bwhisteq
- Calculates histogram equalization of the image
void icv_histeq(const icv_image_t *img, icv_imgage_file_t *img_out);
Scale (Group5)
for bwscale, pixscale
- outsize is the reqired output size
- method is the prescribed method
void icv_scale(const icv_image_t *img, const icv_size_t *outsize, const icv_scale_method_t method, icv_image_t *img_out);
for bwshrink, pixshrink
- factor is shrinking factor.
- method is the prescribed method.
void icv_shrink(const icv_image_t *img, icv_image_t *img_out, const int factor, const icv_shrink_mehtod_t method);
Stats (Group6)
for imgdims, pixcount Not useful
for pixstat, bwstat
- finds the image statistics
void icv_stat(const icv_image_t *img, icv_stat_t *stat1, icv_stat_t *stat2, icv_stat_t *stat3);
for pixcolors
void icv_colors(icv_image_t *img) /* Prints all the colors */
Threshold (Group7)
for bwthresh
- val is a pointer to an array of threshold values
- num_thresh is the number of the threshold values
- img_out is the output image
void icv_threshold(const icv_image_t *img, icv_image_t *img_out, const unsigned char *val, const int num_thresh);
for pixclump
void icv_clump()
/* Need Suggestions */
Interpolate (Group8)
for pixinterep2x
- Iterpolates the image two twice its resolution
void icv_interep2x(const icv_image_t *img, icv_image_t *img_out);
for pixhalve
- Decimates the image
void icv_halve(const icv_image_t *img, icv_image_t *img_out);
struct icv_image_file { uint_32 magic; char* filename; int fd; int format; int width, height, depth; unsigned char *data; unisgned long flags; };
struct icv_size { int height, width; };
struct icv_point { int x,y; };
struct icv_operation { char oper; double val; };
struct icv_kernel { char *name; char *uname; /* What is needed to recognize it */ int *kern; int kerndiv; /* Divisor for kernel */ int kernoffset; /* To be added to result */ };
struct icv_stat { int max, min, mode, median; double mean, var, skew; long sum, partial_sum; };