
Revision as of 16:22, 31 March 2011 by (talk) (BRL-CAD Project Proposal: Updated progress)

Who I am

My name is Brandon Hinesley. I am a 26 year old, unemployed, full-time student finishing up my sophmore year of a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. I live in California.



I have about 5 years of professional experience designing commercial plumbing systems in 3d using AutoCAD. My experience is minimal with C/C++, Java, and Python, but I have coded dozens of VBA programs for several companies I have worked for. I was a Linux systems administrator for a small business network, as well, for about 3 years.

Here is a sample of my 3d CAD work, and the physical installation.

Interest -> BRL-CAD

I have been interested in contributing to an open source project for quite a while. I love coding, and I love 3d modeling, so it could not get much better than BRL-CAD. Everyone that I have talked with so far has been easy to communicate with, and very helpful. I appreciate that. I will stick around as long as I feel useful.

BRL-CAD Project Proposal


Task Status Note
Compile BRL-CAD from trunk done I have done a full compile in Linux. It would be nice to be able to compile in Windows right now, but I am running into issues, and at the moment it seems that my time is better spent working on other things.
Submit patches some done Done so far:

mged's export ASCII: Changed input box to a save file dialog – ID: 3258381

sketch program "usage" statement fix/clarification – ID: 3247828

I have started several others. There should be at least one more submitted with my proposal.

Select a project idea working I will turn in as many (quality) proposals as time allows. Currently, I am working on MGED to Archer Command Migration.

I will also be looking at a the project for fixing bugs and the GED Transaction project.

Research all project requirements, determine what is required working I'm reading through code related to the MGED to Archer Command Migration project.
Discuss plan with mentor
Finalize and submit application
Familiarize with Tcl/Tk some done As listed above in the "submit patches" row, I have submitted one feature enhancement patch.

Selected Project

check back later for progress
