Community Bonding Period
- Played around with code and build GUI.
- Found where is auto-arrange is being called and how it's called so that I could get a grasp of how it should be replaced. Supermill helped by giving me another use of auto-arrange.
- Looked for a faster way to build the project rather than waiting for 15 minutes when changing anything, LoH helped me with a faster way to build it.
- Investigated SVGNest JS code to get a feel of how the code is structured.
- Started investigating in the SVGNest desktop application as gege2b has pointed out there is an implementation in C for SVGNest. After investigating I found the implementation isn't fully in C only one function of it is C and the rest is the previous JS code.
- Today I'll start reading one of the papers.
- I've started reading "Complete and robust no-fit polygon generation for the irregular stock cutting problem" paper and it was very helpful. I went through the rabbit hole as the paper references other papers so I dived head first into reading them. I got a better understanding of the No-Fit Polygon and what role does it play in the whole auto-arrange algorithm, why it's useful and why it's better than it's predecessors.
- Tomorrow I'll take a look at SVGNest and compare how they implement the NFP with what the paper suggests. Today I'm studying for my final exams in my University tomorrow.
- Finished Reading the required papers and took notes to start summarizing them.
Coding Period
May 27-June 15
Final Exams period. Delivering summary on the related papers. (O) Investigating SVGNest JS library (structure, utilities).
Activity Log For This Period
From 27/5 to 2/6 is my final exams week so my productivity won't be much and I'm making up for this time in the weekends and by working extra hours after 2/6. Deliverables won't be affected as I'm following the timeline for each period.
- Investigated SVGNest C and JS code to find out what has changed between these two projects and if I can make use of the C implementation.
- Took notes on the related papers and started summarizing them.
- Designing bounding object function to get a 2d boundaries for the objects to work with.
June 15-June 20
Extract useful functions from SVGnest JS. Write skeleton for unit tests for extracted functions.(T)
Activity Log For This Period
June 20 -June 28
Write unit test for the geometry functions to be used.(T) Implement the geometry utility functions.(C)
Activity Log For This Period
June 28-July 4
Writing unit test skeleton for placement algorithm.(T)
Activity Log For This Period
July 4- July 21
Implementing unit testing for placement algorithm.(T) Implementing placement algorithm.(C) Parallelizing the placement algorithm.(C)
Activity Log For This Period
July 21-July 26
Design skeleton code for unit testing optimization algorithm.(T)
Activity Log For This Period
July 26-Aug 9
Implementing unit testing for optimization algorithm. (T) Implementing optimization algorithm.(C) Determining threshold for when to stop optimizing. Adding needed buttons in GUI for allowing user to specify threshold for stopping optimization. (C)
Activity Log For This Period
Aug 9-Aug 19
Testing the whole auto-arranging module against SVGnest library and fixing bugs if the outputs are not identical. (T) Testing the output through the perl GUI. (T)
Activity Log For This Period
Deliverables are marked in the timeline as follows: Code is marked as (C). Tests are marked as (T). Others are marked as (O).