Community Bonding Period
- Played around with code and build GUI.
- Found where is auto-arrange is being called and how it's called so that I could get a grasp of how it should be replaced. Supermill helped by giving me another use of auto-arrange.
- Looked for a faster way to build the project rather than waiting for 15 minutes when changing anything, LoH helped me with a faster way to build it.
- Investigated SVGNest JS code to get a feel of how the code is structured.
- Started investigating in the SVGNest desktop application as gege2b has pointed out there is an implementation in C for SVGNest. After investigating I found the implementation isn't fully in C only one function of it is C and the rest is the previous JS code.
- Today I'll start reading one of the papers.
- I've started reading "Complete and robust no-fit polygon generation for the irregular stock cutting problem" paper and it was very helpful. I went through the rabbit hole as the paper references other papers so I dived head first into reading them. I got a better understanding of the No-Fit Polygon and what role does it play in the whole auto-arrange algorithm, why it's useful and why it's better than it's predecessors.
- Tomorrow I'll take a look at SVGNest and compare how they implement the NFP with what the paper suggests. Today I'm studying for my final exams in my University tomorrow.
- Finished Reading the required papers and took notes to start summarizing them.