Difference between revisions of "User:Mariomeissner/logs"

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Starting with the candle example to get practice.
Starting with the candle example to get practice.
Making new, blade that actually fits the specifications; remaining time digging through the viewweight.c code.

Revision as of 03:34, 18 July 2017

Mario Meissner SOCIS 2017 Logs


Build successfull on Arch Linux (Antergos) x64 Working my way through the Introduction_to_MGED.pdf


Successfully calculated mass of a copper sphere using rtweight.


Diving into the source code of rtweight. I will need some help understanding the overall structure of the repository and some details about rtweight.


Proposed an initial model of representation. I would use a three-variable function that returns the density of the material at a certain point in space. Integrating this function over the boundaries of the object yields it's mass. Example can be found here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bz6hfFobLeoyZC1vQ1JwSU05NDg/view?usp=drivesdk


Started working on the example raytrace application. I am setting highest priority to understanding the basic behaviour of this little program, as I know it is the foundation I will need in order to continue with the project.

I will try to modify it in some ways and see if I break it.

From today onwards, I will be working from 15:00 to 22:00 most days, and from 10:00 to 13:00 as well a few days a week. After evaluating how much can be done with this schedule, adjustments will be made accodingly.


Drafted an example of how to obtain a function that returns the density a ray sees at it crosses the object.


Reading through, understanding and compiling the example applications.


Modeling the sword and continuing yesterdays work.

Starting with the candle example to get practice.


Making new, blade that actually fits the specifications; remaining time digging through the viewweight.c code.