Difference between revisions of "User:Xuwei/DevLog2019"

(Coummunity Bonding Period)
(126 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
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* Set up the development environment such as OS.
* Set up the development environment such as OS.
* Start to look at the different potential libraries code base.
* Start to look at the different potential libraries code base.
* Discuss with mentors which external library to choose.
==Friday May 17th==
==May 16th==
* Had four of my wisdom teeth extracted. The progress for the next following week may be slow due to teeth extraction.
*Start to check the checklist.
**Agreement sent.
**Dev log created.
**My Profile created.
==Saturday May 18th==
==May 17th==
* Rest.
* Had four of my wisdom teeth extracted. The progress for the following week may be slow due to teeth extraction.
==Sunday May 19th==
==May 19th==
* Looking at Coin3D/Dime code base, a possible library for DXF import/export.
* Looking at [https://bitbucket.org/Coin3D/dime/src/default/ Coin3D/Dime] code base, a possible library for DXF import/export.
** It has no external dependency.
** It supports all past and should support the future version of DXF format.
** It compiles on Windows, Linux, MacOS, etc.
** But it only loads DXF files into Dime object hierarchies and saves Dime object hierarchies as files conforming to DXF format.
** Seems only support 3D.
==May 20th==
*Looking at [https://sourceforge.net/p/brlcad/code/HEAD/tree/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/dxf/ BRL-CAD] DXF import/export code. Trying to understand how it works and see if it is suitable for OpenSCAD.
**It converts DXF format to .g and .g to DXF which is a BRL-CAD format.
**It seems that BRL-CAD does not support the entire format, only the part that is relative to solid-model.
==May 21st==
*Looking at [https://qcad.org/en/90-dxflib dxflib] which is used by QCAD and works fine, but it only supports 2D which is not ideal since OpenSCAD is already supporting 2D.
**Maybe we can add the 3D part. But not sure how hard it is to add that.
==May 22nd==
*Searching for a library that supports both 3D and 2D DXF import/export.
**Libraries above are for either 2D or 3D.
**Found some libraries support both but they are written in python instead of C++.
==May 23rd==
*Continue on searching for the potential library.
==May 24th==
*Looking at and Compile [https://github.com/LibreCAD/libdxfrw libdxfrw] code base which is used by LibreCAD.
*Will be out of town for the next two days.
=Coding Period=
=Coding Period=
===May 27th===
*Looking at both libdxfrw(libdxfrw.h, dxfreader.cpp) and OpenSCAD(dxfdata.cc, dxfdim.cc, import.cc) relative code.
**Comparing the differences between these two on how they handle DXF data.
**Trying to form a connection between these two.
**dxfdata.cc seems a bit complicated. Need some time to digest.
**The way that libdxfrw reads DXF file is kind of mixing with DRW code.
**libdxfrw encounters problems when dealing with elevated arcs(no response yet).[https://sourceforge.net/p/librecad/bugs/596/]
*Looking at dxflib code base as well.
**dxflib does not store any entities, only pass supported entities.
**A useful link for understanding dxflib data structure.[https://qcad.org/doc/dxflib/2.5/classref/class_d_l___dxf.html]
===May 28th===
*Move on to reading dxflib code for now
**Continue reading the link about the data structure of dxflib above.
**Trying to understand form the connection between dxflib and OpenSCAD code base.
*Continue reading dxfdata.cc
===May 29th===
*Found another one existing integration with dxflib that I can use it as reference.[https://github.com/CauldronDevelopmentLLC/CAMotics/tree/master/src CAMotics]
*Continue on reading dxflib and import.cc, dxfdata.cc.
**Keep trying to write some code that may help understanding how to integrate the library.
*Fill out the comparison [https://github.com/openscad/openscad/wiki/DXF-Library-overview wiki page]
===May 30th===
*Had to go the dentist this morning, will catch up the afternoon and at night.
*Keep browsing for more information for those four libraries.
*Reading [https://images.autodesk.com/adsk/files/autocad_2012_pdf_dxf-reference_enu.pdf DXF standard] to learn how DXF format works
===May 31th===
*Searching more information for potential libraries.
**Add more information that found to the comparison page.
*Learning how to integrate the library from the [https://ribbonsoft.com/doc/dxflib/2.5/reference/contents.html instruction] written by QCAD.
===June 3rd===
*We stick with using BRL-CAD's code for now.
*Try to implement the circle entity.
**Add a callback function on [https://github.com/leonplust/brlcadDXF/commit/1abc40cbe24793fbd9f94001b1a8d30e28602780#diff-3db848059130b96c98744620379df21a dxf-g.c] to pass the data back to openSCAD.
**Add processentitiyecircle() to [https://github.com/leonplust/openscad/blob/dxflibrary/src/dxfdata.cc dxfdata.cc] and some other changes to enable that function.
**Having some issue with ADDLINE. Will dig into that later.
===June 4th===
*Push few commits on [https://github.com/leonplust/openscad/tree/dxf-import import_dxf branch].
**Basically create a new import_dxf() function that replace the old dxfdata.cc
**Implement a simple geometry to test out the function
===June 5th===
*Modify the code committed yesterday to output a simple circle.
*Trying to understand layer, block.
===June 6th===
*Created a new branch [https://github.com/leonplust/brlcadDXF/tree/prototype prototype] on brlcadDXF repo.
**Trying to clean up the code so that it could compile independently.
===June 7th===
*Switch some functions and datatype and continue on cleaning up the code.
*Spend most of my day studying the exam tonight. Will make up the time tomorrow.
===June 8th===
*Walked through the whole file line by line and cleaned up as much as I can so far. There are still many details that I need to learn to clean up the rest.
===June 10th===
*Made changes to dxf-g.c according to the answer from brlcad.
===June 11th===
*fix bu_list with std::list and related functions, etc.
===June 12th===
*Add functions for circle eclipse from vmath.h, color.h.
===June 13th===
*Added more functions from dependencies.
*uploaded a file that records to-do list, question, notes, etc.
===June 14th===
*few fixes on dxf-g.cc.
*Study for the midterm tonight for the most of the day will make up the hours tomorrow.
===June 15th===
*Finished converting all bu_list data structure to std::list except in one function drawmtext().
**drawmtext() may be removed later.
===June 17th===
*Finished fixing all bu_vert_tree structure.
*Started on fixing vls a bit.
===June 18th===
*Finished fixing all vls except those in the main().
===June 19th===
*Finished most of the parts of dxf-g.c.
** Create a new branch [https://github.com/leonplust/brlcadDXF/tree/test test] for testing and commented out some less necessary functions to test.
** Upload test files from openSCAD testdata/dxf
** Need to fix the segmentation fault.
===June 20th===
*Fixed numbers of segmentation faults mainly caused by malloc.
===June 21st===
*Fix strncmp function error
*Tested with circle, ellipse, failed at block section.
*Tried to reconstruct block_list, block_head data structure.
===June 24th===
* Fix block_list data structure
* Now dxf-g.cc can go through the whole dxf file and spit out data to file output
* Done basic testing with circle, ellipse, polygons, lwpolyline. files from openscad testdata/dxf.
** Found the correct geometry.
** coordinates of the vertices are correct.
===June 25th===
* Randomly picking files from openscad/testdata/dxf to check geometry and coordinates.
* Trying to figure out if the data structure is actually storing the correct data.
===June 26th===
* Trying to extract data from the data structure to test if it's reading correct data.
** For circle, extract cirlce_pts.
** For line, extract line_pts.
** For lwpolyline, extract polyline_vertice.
** For elllipse, center and majorAxis
** For point, pt.
===June 27th===
* More data extracting continue from yesterday.
* Try to start integrating openscad and dxf-g.cc just for circle entities.
===June 28th===
* Run openscad together with dxf-g.cc.
* Implemented circle entities using dxf-g.cc called a openscad function.
** Later the day discussion concluded that this is not the preferred way. deprecated.
===July 1st===
* Added structs for each geometry for storing the data.
* Some minor fixes for original data type point_t.
===July 2nd===
* storing all the data parsed to the respect vectors.
** Except polyline is a bit tricky, not done yet.
===July 3rd===
* Added polyline struct and the storing part.
* Added code for passing circle entity information to openscad and openscad draw it.
** Having trouble with compilation.
===July 4th===
* Added arc, line, points, lwpolyline.
** Still have some problems with lwpolyline.
===July 5th===
* fix lwpolyline.
* Added ellipse.
* Found problem with mesh.
===July 8th===
* Trying to fix mesh
===July 9th===
* Change the structure of the entire code to use the code of dxfdata to fix the mesh problem
* The code still not able to produce the correct polygon yet.
===July 10th===
* Fix the mesh problem and now the code can properly import a single dxf file.
** For some reason, the data is store and fill in the next polygon if the second dxf is imported.
===July 11th===
* Fix the data leakage between document.
* Now the code is passing all the test file except nothing decimal comma and transform insert.
** the reader has an issue with insert entity
===July 12th===
* Trying to figure out how to fix the insert.
* Learning the insert spec from dxf manual
===July 14th===
* Fix the block list and curr_block is not storing value properly
* There is an infinite loop caused by the file offset in the process_enitites_unknown
** It jumps to the previous line but does not jump back
* Continue on fixing insert
===July 15th===
* Clean up most of the commented code in dxf.cc and dxf.h
* fix the curr_block memory issue by using a global variable indx that indicate the position of the block in block_list
* Continue on fixing insert
===July 16th===
* Adding back_file_offset to state_data to have the program jump back
** Still getting the wrong result, the geometries are scattered but shapes are the same.
* Continue on fixing insert
===July 17th===
* replace all memory allocation function related to insert with new and delete
** valgrind now output no error or warning
* Continue on fixing insert
===July 18th===
* Download and build brlcad to test out what's the difference and if it can output the correct result
** There is no problem with the curr_state->file_offset
* Continue on fixing insert
===July 19th===
* Found that the brlcad xform is different than my version.
** Can't figure out why it's different
* Continue on fixing insert
===July 20th===
* Found the BU_LIST_POP actually assign curr_state to the last element of the list
** This fix the infinity loop and remove back_file_offset.
* Continue on fixing insert
===July 21st===
*By switching the push_back and new_state = curr_state this fix the xform problem.
** Insert is fixed but it looks there is an issue with different compiler
===July 22nd===
*Cleaning up dxf.cc, import-dxf.cc, dxf.h.
===July 23rd===
*Finished cleaning up dxf.cc, import-dxf.cc, dxf.h.
* Make [https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/3005 #pr3005] to test in various platform.
===July 24th===
*Fix scale, xyorigin, layername problem.
*Test result [https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/3006]
===July 25th===
* Starting working on spline entity.
* Reading spline related code on QCAD.
* Learning dxf spline entity spec.
===July 26th===
* QCAD is using an external library opennurbs to deal with the spline.
* Reading spline related code on BRL-CAD.
** BRL-CAD code can be implemented on openscad.
===July 29th===
* Replicate and integrate brlcad spline code to openscad.
===July 30th===
* Continue integrating blrcad spline code to openscad.
===July 31st===
* Testing brlcad code with openscad, comparing with brlcad and qcad.
** Creating test cases using AutoCAD.
** Both brlcad and qcad seems to not supporting the spline created by autocad properly due to dxf version problem.
** brlcad encounter segmentation fault with one of the spline test cases.
===August 1st===
* Switch to reading LibreCAD spline related code.
** LibreCAD 2.x version is using their own code.
* Also reading openscad bezier curve related code.
===August 2nd===
* LibreCAD can handle the spline created by autocad unlike brlcad and qcad.
* OpenSCAD code can handle degree 2, 3 normal spline(Beizer curve) properly.
** Starting adding openscad code to import_dxf.
===August 3rd===
* Modified openscad code and integrated it to import_dxf.
===August 4th===
* Testing the spline import of openscad
** Able to import 3 control points for degree 2 spline and 4 for degree 3 spline.
** Fail to generate continuous bezier curve.
===August 5th===
* Trying to figure an algorithm or a way to generate continuous bezier curve like this [https://www.algosome.com/articles/continuous-bezier-curve-line.html article].
===August 6th===
* OpenSCAD is now able to import degree 1-3 spline with certain numbers of control points.
** spline knots, weights, fit points are ignored.
===August 7th - 14th===
* Family trip.
* Originally from 7th-12th, due to the riots in Hong Kong airport and the typhoon in Osaka, flight got cancelled and delayed. ** Due to the typhoon, updated flight time is 16th.
===August 15th===
* Starting working on polyline entity.
===August 16th===
* Rearrange code and fix error in storing polyline vertex in the importer.
* On the flight home
===August 17th===
* Integrate 2D polyline entity to openscad ignoring 3D polyline features and curve-fit.
===August 18th===
* Improve polyline with the spline-fit flag, can generate by both spline vertex and control points.
* Test polyline.
* Add test cases to the test suite.

Latest revision as of 05:50, 18 August 2019

Coummunity Bonding Period[edit]

  • Set up the Development log
  • Set up the development environment such as OS.
  • Start to look at the different potential libraries code base.
  • Discuss with mentors which external library to choose.

May 16th[edit]

  • Start to check the checklist.
    • Agreement sent.
    • Dev log created.
    • My Profile created.

May 17th[edit]

  • Had four of my wisdom teeth extracted. The progress for the following week may be slow due to teeth extraction.

May 19th[edit]

  • Looking at Coin3D/Dime code base, a possible library for DXF import/export.
    • It has no external dependency.
    • It supports all past and should support the future version of DXF format.
    • It compiles on Windows, Linux, MacOS, etc.
    • But it only loads DXF files into Dime object hierarchies and saves Dime object hierarchies as files conforming to DXF format.
    • Seems only support 3D.

May 20th[edit]

  • Looking at BRL-CAD DXF import/export code. Trying to understand how it works and see if it is suitable for OpenSCAD.
    • It converts DXF format to .g and .g to DXF which is a BRL-CAD format.
    • It seems that BRL-CAD does not support the entire format, only the part that is relative to solid-model.

May 21st[edit]

  • Looking at dxflib which is used by QCAD and works fine, but it only supports 2D which is not ideal since OpenSCAD is already supporting 2D.
    • Maybe we can add the 3D part. But not sure how hard it is to add that.

May 22nd[edit]

  • Searching for a library that supports both 3D and 2D DXF import/export.
    • Libraries above are for either 2D or 3D.
    • Found some libraries support both but they are written in python instead of C++.

May 23rd[edit]

  • Continue on searching for the potential library.

May 24th[edit]

  • Looking at and Compile libdxfrw code base which is used by LibreCAD.
  • Will be out of town for the next two days.

Coding Period[edit]


May 27th[edit]

  • Looking at both libdxfrw(libdxfrw.h, dxfreader.cpp) and OpenSCAD(dxfdata.cc, dxfdim.cc, import.cc) relative code.
    • Comparing the differences between these two on how they handle DXF data.
    • Trying to form a connection between these two.
    • dxfdata.cc seems a bit complicated. Need some time to digest.
    • The way that libdxfrw reads DXF file is kind of mixing with DRW code.
    • libdxfrw encounters problems when dealing with elevated arcs(no response yet).[1]
  • Looking at dxflib code base as well.
    • dxflib does not store any entities, only pass supported entities.
    • A useful link for understanding dxflib data structure.[2]

May 28th[edit]

  • Move on to reading dxflib code for now
    • Continue reading the link about the data structure of dxflib above.
    • Trying to understand form the connection between dxflib and OpenSCAD code base.
  • Continue reading dxfdata.cc

May 29th[edit]

  • Found another one existing integration with dxflib that I can use it as reference.CAMotics
  • Continue on reading dxflib and import.cc, dxfdata.cc.
    • Keep trying to write some code that may help understanding how to integrate the library.
  • Fill out the comparison wiki page

May 30th[edit]

  • Had to go the dentist this morning, will catch up the afternoon and at night.
  • Keep browsing for more information for those four libraries.
  • Reading DXF standard to learn how DXF format works

May 31th[edit]

  • Searching more information for potential libraries.
    • Add more information that found to the comparison page.
  • Learning how to integrate the library from the instruction written by QCAD.


June 3rd[edit]

  • We stick with using BRL-CAD's code for now.
  • Try to implement the circle entity.
    • Add a callback function on dxf-g.c to pass the data back to openSCAD.
    • Add processentitiyecircle() to dxfdata.cc and some other changes to enable that function.
    • Having some issue with ADDLINE. Will dig into that later.

June 4th[edit]

  • Push few commits on import_dxf branch.
    • Basically create a new import_dxf() function that replace the old dxfdata.cc
    • Implement a simple geometry to test out the function

June 5th[edit]

  • Modify the code committed yesterday to output a simple circle.
  • Trying to understand layer, block.

June 6th[edit]

  • Created a new branch prototype on brlcadDXF repo.
    • Trying to clean up the code so that it could compile independently.

June 7th[edit]

  • Switch some functions and datatype and continue on cleaning up the code.
  • Spend most of my day studying the exam tonight. Will make up the time tomorrow.

June 8th[edit]

  • Walked through the whole file line by line and cleaned up as much as I can so far. There are still many details that I need to learn to clean up the rest.

June 10th[edit]

  • Made changes to dxf-g.c according to the answer from brlcad.

June 11th[edit]

  • fix bu_list with std::list and related functions, etc.

June 12th[edit]

  • Add functions for circle eclipse from vmath.h, color.h.

June 13th[edit]

  • Added more functions from dependencies.
  • uploaded a file that records to-do list, question, notes, etc.

June 14th[edit]

  • few fixes on dxf-g.cc.
  • Study for the midterm tonight for the most of the day will make up the hours tomorrow.

June 15th[edit]

  • Finished converting all bu_list data structure to std::list except in one function drawmtext().
    • drawmtext() may be removed later.

June 17th[edit]

  • Finished fixing all bu_vert_tree structure.
  • Started on fixing vls a bit.

June 18th[edit]

  • Finished fixing all vls except those in the main().

June 19th[edit]

  • Finished most of the parts of dxf-g.c.
    • Create a new branch test for testing and commented out some less necessary functions to test.
    • Upload test files from openSCAD testdata/dxf
    • Need to fix the segmentation fault.

June 20th[edit]

  • Fixed numbers of segmentation faults mainly caused by malloc.

June 21st[edit]

  • Fix strncmp function error
  • Tested with circle, ellipse, failed at block section.
  • Tried to reconstruct block_list, block_head data structure.

June 24th[edit]

  • Fix block_list data structure
  • Now dxf-g.cc can go through the whole dxf file and spit out data to file output
  • Done basic testing with circle, ellipse, polygons, lwpolyline. files from openscad testdata/dxf.
    • Found the correct geometry.
    • coordinates of the vertices are correct.

June 25th[edit]

  • Randomly picking files from openscad/testdata/dxf to check geometry and coordinates.
  • Trying to figure out if the data structure is actually storing the correct data.

June 26th[edit]

  • Trying to extract data from the data structure to test if it's reading correct data.
    • For circle, extract cirlce_pts.
    • For line, extract line_pts.
    • For lwpolyline, extract polyline_vertice.
    • For elllipse, center and majorAxis
    • For point, pt.

June 27th[edit]

  • More data extracting continue from yesterday.
  • Try to start integrating openscad and dxf-g.cc just for circle entities.

June 28th[edit]

  • Run openscad together with dxf-g.cc.
  • Implemented circle entities using dxf-g.cc called a openscad function.
    • Later the day discussion concluded that this is not the preferred way. deprecated.


July 1st[edit]

  • Added structs for each geometry for storing the data.
  • Some minor fixes for original data type point_t.

July 2nd[edit]

  • storing all the data parsed to the respect vectors.
    • Except polyline is a bit tricky, not done yet.

July 3rd[edit]

  • Added polyline struct and the storing part.
  • Added code for passing circle entity information to openscad and openscad draw it.
    • Having trouble with compilation.

July 4th[edit]

  • Added arc, line, points, lwpolyline.
    • Still have some problems with lwpolyline.

July 5th[edit]

  • fix lwpolyline.
  • Added ellipse.
  • Found problem with mesh.

July 8th[edit]

  • Trying to fix mesh

July 9th[edit]

  • Change the structure of the entire code to use the code of dxfdata to fix the mesh problem
  • The code still not able to produce the correct polygon yet.

July 10th[edit]

  • Fix the mesh problem and now the code can properly import a single dxf file.
    • For some reason, the data is store and fill in the next polygon if the second dxf is imported.

July 11th[edit]

  • Fix the data leakage between document.
  • Now the code is passing all the test file except nothing decimal comma and transform insert.
    • the reader has an issue with insert entity

July 12th[edit]

  • Trying to figure out how to fix the insert.
  • Learning the insert spec from dxf manual

July 14th[edit]

  • Fix the block list and curr_block is not storing value properly
  • There is an infinite loop caused by the file offset in the process_enitites_unknown
    • It jumps to the previous line but does not jump back
  • Continue on fixing insert

July 15th[edit]

  • Clean up most of the commented code in dxf.cc and dxf.h
  • fix the curr_block memory issue by using a global variable indx that indicate the position of the block in block_list
  • Continue on fixing insert

July 16th[edit]

  • Adding back_file_offset to state_data to have the program jump back
    • Still getting the wrong result, the geometries are scattered but shapes are the same.
  • Continue on fixing insert

July 17th[edit]

  • replace all memory allocation function related to insert with new and delete
    • valgrind now output no error or warning
  • Continue on fixing insert

July 18th[edit]

  • Download and build brlcad to test out what's the difference and if it can output the correct result
    • There is no problem with the curr_state->file_offset
  • Continue on fixing insert

July 19th[edit]

  • Found that the brlcad xform is different than my version.
    • Can't figure out why it's different
  • Continue on fixing insert

July 20th[edit]

  • Found the BU_LIST_POP actually assign curr_state to the last element of the list
    • This fix the infinity loop and remove back_file_offset.
  • Continue on fixing insert

July 21st[edit]

  • By switching the push_back and new_state = curr_state this fix the xform problem.
    • Insert is fixed but it looks there is an issue with different compiler

July 22nd[edit]

  • Cleaning up dxf.cc, import-dxf.cc, dxf.h.

July 23rd[edit]

  • Finished cleaning up dxf.cc, import-dxf.cc, dxf.h.
  • Make #pr3005 to test in various platform.

July 24th[edit]

  • Fix scale, xyorigin, layername problem.
  • Test result [3]

July 25th[edit]

  • Starting working on spline entity.
  • Reading spline related code on QCAD.
  • Learning dxf spline entity spec.

July 26th[edit]

  • QCAD is using an external library opennurbs to deal with the spline.
  • Reading spline related code on BRL-CAD.
    • BRL-CAD code can be implemented on openscad.

July 29th[edit]

  • Replicate and integrate brlcad spline code to openscad.

July 30th[edit]

  • Continue integrating blrcad spline code to openscad.

July 31st[edit]

  • Testing brlcad code with openscad, comparing with brlcad and qcad.
    • Creating test cases using AutoCAD.
    • Both brlcad and qcad seems to not supporting the spline created by autocad properly due to dxf version problem.
    • brlcad encounter segmentation fault with one of the spline test cases.


August 1st[edit]

  • Switch to reading LibreCAD spline related code.
    • LibreCAD 2.x version is using their own code.
  • Also reading openscad bezier curve related code.

August 2nd[edit]

  • LibreCAD can handle the spline created by autocad unlike brlcad and qcad.
  • OpenSCAD code can handle degree 2, 3 normal spline(Beizer curve) properly.
    • Starting adding openscad code to import_dxf.

August 3rd[edit]

  • Modified openscad code and integrated it to import_dxf.

August 4th[edit]

  • Testing the spline import of openscad
    • Able to import 3 control points for degree 2 spline and 4 for degree 3 spline.
    • Fail to generate continuous bezier curve.

August 5th[edit]

  • Trying to figure an algorithm or a way to generate continuous bezier curve like this article.

August 6th[edit]

  • OpenSCAD is now able to import degree 1-3 spline with certain numbers of control points.
    • spline knots, weights, fit points are ignored.

August 7th - 14th[edit]

  • Family trip.
  • Originally from 7th-12th, due to the riots in Hong Kong airport and the typhoon in Osaka, flight got cancelled and delayed. ** Due to the typhoon, updated flight time is 16th.

August 15th[edit]

  • Starting working on polyline entity.

August 16th[edit]

  • Rearrange code and fix error in storing polyline vertex in the importer.
  • On the flight home

August 17th[edit]

  • Integrate 2D polyline entity to openscad ignoring 3D polyline features and curve-fit.

August 18th[edit]

  • Improve polyline with the spline-fit flag, can generate by both spline vertex and control points.
  • Test polyline.
  • Add test cases to the test suite.