BRL-CAD (Org ID 4884012200361984) Task ID 5483439470411776 | Task Definition ID 5169437414522880 Max instances: 5 Title: APPLESEED integration: Make 'art' render BRL-CAD geometry (task #11) Description: For this task, you'll want to demonstrate procedural rendering is working. That means figuring out how to make 'art' call into the BRL-CAD rendering plugin you created in tasks #5 and #6. **SUBMIT** the code update demonstrating art rendering via appleseed and LIBRT Tags: rendering, appleseed, c/c++ Categories: Coding Is Beginner: No Time given to complete: 3 days Mentors:,,, Student: Jebbly (ID 6044361150693376) Status: COMPLETED (2020-01-23 08:03:32) Last modified: 2020-01-21 06:37:20