BRL-CAD (Org ID 4884012200361984) Task ID 5114514412929024 | Task Definition ID 6010106462863360 Max instances: 5 Title: APPLESEED integration: Make 'art' load BRL-CAD geometry (task #10) Description: Now we start paying attention to command-line options. Make 'art' convert the BRL-CAD geometry specified on the command line into an appleseed rendering input. You'll probably need to create a default scene, possibly create a "box" representing where BRL-CAD objects exist, and automatically assign default materials. You don't yet need to demonstrate the connection back to librt through the appleseed plugin (that's next). You just need to show that you've created a scene and have loaded the geometry. **SUBMIT** a patch file that demonstrates art successfully loaded the specified BRL-CAD geometry Tags: rendering, appleseed, c/c++ Categories: Coding Is Beginner: No Time given to complete: 3 days Mentors:,,, Student: Jebbly (ID 6044361150693376) Status: COMPLETED (2020-01-21 23:33:57) Last modified: 2020-01-20 07:53:29