BRL-CAD (Org ID 4884012200361984) Task ID 4927177804480512 | Task Definition ID 6484463219900416 Max instances: 3 Title: BRL-CAD Lua binding: Test BRLCAD.database:Title() (part #2 of 2) Description: Lua ( is a simple scripting language which can be easily integrated in other software. Therefore, why not bind BRL-CAD to it and create and modify geometries with Lua scripts? This task is about the creation of new functions in Lua. In preparation, you have to compile and Install BRL-CAD from latest source code and compile the experimental features from BRL-CAD's rt^3 module. There are own tasks for this. **Here:** The library with the Lua bindings is missing automatic tests. In the first part of this series of tasks there was written a program called "databasetitle". You will find it in the tests/embeddedLua directory of the rt^3 banch. This program has to be integrated in the CMake generated tests. I.e., "make test" on Linux or "RUN_TEST" in Visual Studio has to call databasetitle. Make sure that databasetitle passes this test. When you are done, **SUBMIT** a patch file which can be applied to the rt^3 branch of the BRL-CAD repository. Tags: cmake Categories: Coding Is Beginner: No Time given to complete: 3 days Mentors: Student: H1manshu (ID 6601728653262848) Status: COMPLETED (2020-01-21 09:41:57) Last modified: 2020-01-19 10:34:00