BRL-CAD (Org ID 4884012200361984) Task ID 6323900565159936 | Task Definition ID 5739772941697024 Max instances: 3 Title: Model a chess scene using matrices (task #1 of 2) Description: A chessboard and chess pieces were all modeled under other GCI tasks and are included in our source repository in the db/chess/ directory. For this task, the objective is to model an entire chess board, set up and ready to be played, using the existing pieces and chess board. This includes stylizing the apposing teams appropriately (e.g., setting white and black colors). For this task, you'll use the "dbconcat" command to import all the pieces and playing board into your .g file. Then, you'll use the 'comb' and 'i' commands to create instances that you can move around without modifying the originally modeled chess piece. Finally, you'll use the "oed" + "tra" commands to move each instance into proper position. Follow-on task #2 is identical except that you replace dbconcat with submodel objects. You can find help on all commands using the "man" command inside mged (e.g., man dbconcat). There is also an extensive guide to the oed command at SUBMIT your chess scene and a screenshot, or a detailed report if you can't figure it out. Tags: modeling, 3d Categories: User Interface, Documentation & Training, Quality Assurance, Outreach & Research Is Beginner: No Time given to complete: 3 days Mentors:,,,,,,, Student: 21yliu (ID 5991919532900352) Status: COMPLETED (2020-01-20 11:35:13) Last modified: 2020-01-16 19:03:34