BRL-CAD (Org ID 4884012200361984) Task ID 6128219774779392 | Task Definition ID 5129152877821952 Max instances: 20 Title: [BEGIN HERE] Do our 3D chess set tutorial and submit feedback Description: THIS IS A PRIORITY TASK! The goal of this task is to go through this tutorial, A Beginner's guide to BRL-CAD( and submit feedback. In the document, follow the instructions and - Download and install BRL-CAD - Model the 3D chess set as per the instructions Keep notes on: - Whether the instructions explain the proper modeling steps - Whether the measurements are explained well - If the instructions were clear enough for you to model the chess set in one go. If not, how many tries did it take. - Where did you got stuck in the steps? - Which command did you find hard to understand and needs more explanation? **SUBMIT**: 1. a text file or word document with your detailed notes 2. the feedback form at stating very briefly what one thing you would keep, one thing you would remove, one thing you would change, and one thing you would add to this tutorial. Tags: modeling, brlcad, documentation, tutorial, 3d Categories: Documentation & Training, Quality Assurance Is Beginner: No Time given to complete: 3 days Mentors:,,,, Student: Akaash (ID 6565090728345600) Status: ABANDONED Last modified: 2019-12-30 20:27:53