BRL-CAD (Org ID 4884012200361984) Task ID 5318515628703744 | Task Definition ID 5722655617974272 Max instances: 2 Title: Extruded bitmap (EBM) images from database object, refactor file reader (task #3 of 5) Description: For this third task, extract the logic from rt_ebm_import5() that reads bw data from a file into a get_file_data() function and update rt_ebm_import5() to call that function. You may want to refer to src/librt/primitives/dsp/dsp.c as it has a very similar example, but pay attention to the different data types of EBM vs DSP (ebm reads unsigned char data, dsp reads unsigned 16bit data). **SUBMIT** a patch file with your source code changes. Tags: computer graphics, file i/o, c/c++ Categories: Coding Is Beginner: No Time given to complete: 5 days Mentors:,,, Student: Jebbly (ID 6044361150693376) Status: COMPLETED (2019-12-31 04:40:30) Last modified: 2019-12-27 05:45:52