I want to thank the BRL-CAD and GOOGLE CODEIN to provide such an opportunity. After opt this task I used to saw the model of tennish ball and get on the BRL-CAD for creating design. But I'm a beginner so I am unable to \ create srips on it. I create it by following steps:- step 1- firstly I open the mged and create a database named tennis. step 2- after I make the mode view at axis. step 3- I use the command to create a sphere shape < in 1 sph> entering its axises < 20 20 20> entering its radius <20> step 4- after I enter the command to change the color mater reg01 step 5- I enter the RGB color as R 238, G 230, B 0 step 6- I used the command to apply the color step 7- I enter the command for rendering step 8- I make it as in .PNG format It may be similar to all of your expectations. Thank you.