BRL-CAD (Org ID 5154791065911296) Task ID 5867518667259904 | Task Definition ID 4991597668204544 Max instances: 20 Title: Research: learn how to model a fillet (blending between two surfaces) Description: This is a two part task! PART 1: First, you will be learning how to model a fillet between two simple surfaces (an rcc and rpp). Basically, model this with BRL-CAD: Easy right? That is a perpendicular blend of a cylindrical surface (the sides of an rcc or tgc in BRL-CAD terms) with a planar surface (the top of an rpp or arb8 in BRL-CAD terms). There's a few different ways you can achieve that blend. SUBMIT a PNG image and your BRL-CAD .g file for part 1 PART 2: After that, comes the research. You're going to blend something that is NOT perpendicular. This can be almost anything that results in a different solution. It can be as simple as tilting one of the two objects, or replacing one with a non-planar surface (e.g., an rcc with an rcc). Some combinations are challenging, some impossible to perfectly blend smooth. Try your best and submit what you have (as close as you can get it to smooth). SUBMIT a PNG image and your BRL-CAD .g file for part 2 Tags: rounding, 3d modeling, csg, blend, fillet Categories: Documentation & Training, Outreach & Research Is Beginner: No Time given to complete: 3 days Mentors:,,,,,,, Student: Fizaan Khan (ID 5916600949538816) Status: ABANDONED Last modified: 2018-01-12 16:53:20