BRL-CAD (Org ID 5154791065911296) Task ID 5506604445204480 | Task Definition ID 4537825565343744 Max instances: 2 Title: Write a script in Python that downloads GCI task data (Part #2 of 2) Description: This is a follow-on to the other GCI task data download task, broken up into two tasks because it's hard to debug without being able to properly test. For this task, download all the uploaded files, timestamped and linked into the html file created in Part #1. The structure should look nearly identical to what we did in previous years: SUBMIT a script that downloads all instance data using the same folder structure and similar filename conventions as was done a couple years ago. Tags: python, gci api Categories: Coding, Outreach & Research Is Beginner: No Time given to complete: 3 days Mentors:,,, Student: Luke Yuan (ID 5668232788705280) Status: ABANDONED Last modified: 2018-01-01 02:34:07