BRL-CAD (Org ID 5154791065911296) Task ID 6240337330700288 | Task Definition ID 5267390629675008 Max instances: 3 Title: BRL-CAD Alternative GUI 5: Creation of a Drawing Area Description: * Create a widget in your Qt application where you can draw to. * Add two functions to your program which convert the coordinates of your drawing area to the ones from the BRL-CAD database and vice versa. Consider the selected BRL-CAD element extends when doing this. When you are done, please upload * A zip file with your CMake configuration and your source code and * A screen shot of the Qt program window to the GCi task. Tags: qt, c++ Categories: Coding, User Interface Is Beginner: No Time given to complete: 3 days Mentors:,, Student: caleb Parks (ID 4982403334406144) Status: COMPLETED (2017-12-31 03:52:40) Last modified: 2017-12-28 05:07:54