--[[**Creation of the chess board model in BRL-CAD**]]-- [TOOLS USED];- The chess board 3D model was done completely in BRL-CAD's Archer and MGED tool utilizing command-line and the Graphics Window. *********************************************************************************** [DESIGN PROCESS]:- Firstly, I planned out a simple design blueprint of the model itself identifying the technical difficulties of the design as well as it's complications. Taking the design specification into regard I began modelling the chess board. Starting out, I made the chessboard's squares and also made sure it was exactly a replica of it's real world counterpart, having 64 squares and of exact measurement. (board.s) I made a region of it called board.r as well. Afterwards, I added the checker textures to it containing custom-set RGB values. Secondly, I modelled the outer boundaries giving them a shader of glass so that pieces can be reflected nicely and when raytraced, chess pieces can show realistic properties giving the scene more life. At last, I compiled them to board.c which allows for the easy drawing of the board. ***********************************************************************************