BRL-CAD (Org ID 5154791065911296) Task ID 4885221780488192 | Task Definition ID 5753442884648960 Max instances: 5 Title: Model a chess pawn Description: Create a 3D model of a chess pawn piece. The model must fit in a standard 2.25" (57mm) chessboard square and be under 4 inches (100mm) tall. * BRL-CAD provides several ways to model 3D geometry including a graphical tool named mged, another named archer, and various ways to create geometry using scripts. Create your model using BRL-CAD, not via import. Create one top-level combination to group everything together. Start with some MGED tutorials if you haven't yet, which are a separate task! You can learn the basics of 3D modeling in just an hour or two. SUBMIT a PNG image, your geometry in BRL-CAD ".g" file format, and a text explaining how&why you made your model the way that you did. Tags: 3d modeling Categories: Documentation & Training, Quality Assurance, Outreach & Research Is Beginner: No Time given to complete: 3 days Mentors:,, Student: Wasim Afser (ID 5934537118842880) Status: COMPLETED (2017-12-16 03:36:22) Last modified: 2017-12-14 02:50:08