BRL-CAD (Org ID 5154791065911296) Task ID 4507253291876352 | Task Definition ID 5479143120568320 Max instances: 20 Title: Build the brlcad.dll Example Description: * Download the brlcad.dll developer package from and * Build the included example program with MS Visual Studio on MS Windows. * Run the program with a BRL-CAD database of your choice, * Write your name in the terminal, and * Make a screen shot. When you are done, please upload * A description of how you created the build environment and * The screen shot to the GCi task. Tags: build Categories: Coding Is Beginner: No Time given to complete: 3 days Mentors:,,, Student: Mahdi Dolatabadi (ID 4776983546298368) Status: COMPLETED (2017-12-04 14:09:25) Last modified: 2017-12-01 16:10:18