Building BRL-CAD with Clang LLVM Trunk on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS - Marc Tannous 1. Navigated to the "Getting Started" page of the LLVM project : 2. Got the required tools for building Clang : GCC, Clang, GNU Make, Python, GNU M4, GNU Autoconf, GNU Automake, libtool, zlib 3. Ran "svn co llvm" in my terminal to checkout LLVM 4. Navigated to "llvm/tools" and ran "svn co clang" in my terminal to checkout Clang 5. Navigated to "llvm/projects" and ran "svn co compiler-rt" to checkout Compiler-RT 6. Ran "mkdir build" for building without polluting the source code 7. Ran "../llvm/configure" and then "make" to build both LLVM and Clang for Debug mode 8. This took upwards of 2 hours without enabling optimizations, despite being on a quad-core ivy bridge i5 + 8gigs of ram with close to no apps running in parallel. 9. I used "sudo update-alternatives --config c++" to change the default compiler from g++ to the newly installed clang++ 10. Updated my brlcad repo to make sure I'm running an up-to-date version 10. Created a new directory inside my brlcad trunk, ".build" and ran "cmake .. -DBRLCAD_ENABLE_STRICT=NO -DBRLCAD_BUNDLED_LIBS=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release" 11. Success : "Elapsed configuration time..: 53 seconds -- Configuring done -- Generating done -- Build files have been written to: /home/marc/brlcad-svn-trunk/.build" 12. Ran "make" 13. Another success : "Done. BRL-CAD Release 7.25.0, Build 20150105 Elapsed compilation time: 6 minutes 36 seconds"