Write manual page documentation (for g-dot)BRL-CAD
Status: ClosedTime to complete: 100 hrs Mentors: Sean, Mihai NeacsuTags: writing, manual page, documentation, man, XML, english, docbook, prose, geometry conversionBeginner

BRL-CAD has hundreds of tools but they're not all documented. We use the Docbook XML system for documentation, which is very much like HTML, but don't worry -- we have LOTS of examples you can follow. Our build system will even validate your file to make sure you didn't make a mistake.

This task entails briefly learning how this geometry converter application works and then writing initial documentation for it. Look at the other g-*.xml files in the doc/docbook/system/man1/en directory for a couple dozen examples.

Once you've created your new file, you'll want to check your work.

  1. download BRL-CAD from Subversion or use our VM image
  2. compile BRL-CAD: http://brlcad.org/wiki/Compiling
  3. create your new file (doc/docbook/system/man1/en/g-dot.xml)
  4. add it to the build system ( edit doc/docbook/system/man1/en/CMakeLists.txt )
  5. compile again (make) and make sure it doesn't give an error
  6. check the compiled version ( in your build directory, run: bin/brlman g-dot)

A lot of little steps, but it's really very easy.

  • doc/docbook/system/man1/en/g-*.xml
  • http://brlcad.org/VolumeIV-Converting_Geometry.pdf
  • src/conv/g-dot.c
  • doc/docbook/system/man1/en/g-dot.xml -- you'll create this
  • doc/docbook/system/man1/en/CMakeLists.txt -- add your new file here
Uploaded Work
File name/URLFile sizeDate submitted
g-dot.xml2.0 KBDecember 10 2014 14:50 UTC
CMakeLists.txt4.0 KBDecember 11 2014 16:16 UTC
g-dot_new.xml2.2 KBDecember 11 2014 16:16 UTC
my_g-dot_changes.patch2.8 KBDecember 12 2014 14:17 UTC
shardulcon December 10 2014 12:04 UTCTask Claimed

I would like to work on this task.

Popescu Andrei on December 10 2014 13:06 UTCTask Assigned

This task has been assigned to shardulc. You have 100 hours to complete this task, good luck!

shardulcon December 10 2014 13:39 UTCAuthor

All the other files have an 'Author' section. What do I put in the 'Author' section for my file? Do I put "BRL-CAD Team"?

Mihai Neacsu on December 10 2014 14:26 UTC

Hi shardulc!

Yes, set the author as "BRL-CAD Team". It will help keep it in line with the other files.

shardulcon December 10 2014 14:50 UTCReady for review

The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.

Sean on December 11 2014 03:25 UTCTask Needs More Work

One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to satisfy the requirements needed to complete this task, submit your work again and mark the task as complete once you re-submit your work.

Sean on December 11 2014 03:29 UTCgood start

This is a really good start and you seem to have all of the requisite sections.  However, your documentation is a little thin.  At a minimum, you should have at least reported what the DOT format is for/from.  What purpose does it serve?  Hint: see the header of src/conv/g-dot.c and read about Graphviz.

Also noticed that the usage statement indicates the .g file argument is optional (it is not).

Did you test adding this documentation to the CMakeLists.txt file and compiling it into html to make sure there are no errors?

You can run these after editing it and submit the resulting my_g_dot_changes.patch file:

svn add doc/docbook/system/man1/en/g-dot.xml

svn diff doc/docbook my_g_dot_changes.patch

shardulcon December 11 2014 16:14 UTC

I've included the things you mentioned and made sure it compiled, but my patch file only contains the change to CMakeLists.txt because I did not 'svn add' my file before making the changes. So I'm uploading the whole 'g-dot.xml' file and the patch with the single change.

shardulcon December 11 2014 16:17 UTC

Sorry, meant to say "and *not* the patch with the single change."

shardulcon December 11 2014 16:17 UTCReady for review

The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.

Sean on December 11 2014 18:08 UTCdon't see a patch file

Shardulc, I don't see a patch file submitted.  A patch file is generated when you run svn diff.  You uploaded the entire CMakeLists.txt file and your g-dot.xml files separately.

You can run svn add even after you've made the changes.  Note that a patch file is a specific file format that lets us test your changes easily.  If you ran those two commands I mentioned, it should have created a file named "my_g_dot_changes.patch" and that is what I'm expecting you to upload.

Sean on December 11 2014 18:08 UTCTask Needs More Work

One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to satisfy the requirements needed to complete this task, submit your work again and mark the task as complete once you re-submit your work.

shardulcon December 12 2014 14:17 UTCReady for review

The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.

Sean on December 12 2014 21:07 UTCTask Closed

Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.

Sean on December 12 2014 21:11 UTCnicely done!

Shardul, this looks much better.  I was able to successfully apply your changes and they compiled cleanly.  Your name has been credited in our release notes and I see that you're already in our AUTHORS file from last year!  Welcome back!