Design Coreinterface logo #4BRL-CAD
Status: ClosedTime to complete: 100 hrs Mentors: Jacob B, IshwerdasTags: logo, design, graphics

Coreinterface is a C++ interface. It is a object oriented API to BRL-CAD's core libraries around librt. The target users are developers of applications which use BRL-CAD libraries. It's official name is MOOSE (BRL-CAD Modular Object Oriented Software Extension)

Your task is simple, design a logo for MOOSE!Make it look impressive, awesome. Be simple, but be awesome.

There are duplicates of this task as we solicit ideas and inspiration. You will need to upload a raw editable version(psd, xcf) containing all layers of your design as well as a png/jpg version.

Uploaded Work
File name/URLFile sizeDate submitted
Moose.xcf241.8 KBDecember 24 2014 11:05 UTC
Moose.png45.3 KBDecember 24 2014 11:06 UTC
Moose alt.png42.1 KBDecember 24 2014 11:06 UTC
moose 3.xcf74.9 KBDecember 27 2014 17:20 UTC
moose 3.png31.3 KBDecember 27 2014 17:21 UTC
moose 3 without shadow.png28.8 KBDecember 27 2014 17:21 UTC
Rohit Agarwalon December 23 2014 17:13 UTCTask Claimed

I would like to work on this task.

Daniel_R on December 23 2014 17:17 UTCTask Assigned

This task has been assigned to Rohit Agarwal. You have 100 hours to complete this task, good luck!

Rohit Agarwalon December 24 2014 11:07 UTCReady for review

The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.

Rohit Agarwalon December 24 2014 11:11 UTCFiles Uploaded

I uploaded 3 files - Moose in .png as well as .xcf and Moose alt.png

"Moose" has a moose head in grey color with its horns made of many BRL-CAD logos. "Moose alt" has same design but it has colors similar to the original BRL-CAD logo.

Daniel_R on December 24 2014 12:43 UTCFor a logo to filigree

It is a really nice BRL-CAD/MOOSE artwork.  But for a logo it should be less filigree.  One should be able to recognize it at the first sight.  And it should be possible to make an icon with it.

Daniel_R on December 24 2014 12:43 UTCTask Needs More Work

One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to satisfy the requirements needed to complete this task, submit your work again and mark the task as complete once you re-submit your work.

Rohit Agarwalon December 27 2014 17:21 UTCReady for review

The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.

Rohit Agarwalon December 27 2014 17:23 UTCFiles Uploaded

I uploaded three new files

moose 3.xcf

moose 3.png and

moose 3 without shadow.png

Melange on December 27 2014 21:17 UTCNo more Work can be submitted

Melange has detected that the deadline has passed and no more work can be submitted. The submitted work should be reviewed.

Ishwerdas on December 28 2014 04:00 UTCTask Closed

Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.

Ishwerdas on December 28 2014 04:01 UTCNice Work

Hey! Rohit you did a good job there. Thanks!! Keep doing more tasks.