Compile BRL-CAD with Tcl/Tk's latest 8.6 sourcesBRL-CAD
Status: ClosedTime to complete: 100 hrs Mentors: Isaac Kamga, Popescu AndreiTags: C, testing, building, compilation, tcl/tk, linux, mac, build system

BRL-CAD uses the Tcl/Tk libraries extensively. We currently embed a version of Tcl/Tk 8.5 in our src/other directory (see src/other/tcl and src/other/tk). Version 8.6 has been out for a while, but we haven't yet tested it.

Your task involves downloading the latest 8.6 Tcl/Tk sources, compiling and installing them on your system, then compiling BRL-CAD to use that version of Tcl/Tk. When you run "cmake", you'll want to check the output tests and cmake summary to make sure that it is using the system version you installed. Once you confirm that, you'll need to test if our build succeeds.

  1. Get a current checkout of BRL-CAD (or update the checkout in our VM if you're using that)
  2. Compile and install BRL-CAD successfully using defaults (just to make sure you can)
  3. Download tcl/tk 8.6
  4. Compile and install that tcl/tk
  5. Delete BRL-CAD build directory and compile/install BRL-CAD again using that tcl/tk version (see our INSTALL file for help)

You'll submit a detailed report of everything you do including a complete transcripts of all commands you run and their output. If you're successful, there may be a follow-on task to update our bundled version of Tcl/Tk.

Uploaded Work
File name/URLFile sizeDate submitted
submission.zip279.5 KBDecember 14 2014 10:55 UTC
wltanon December 10 2014 12:48 UTCTask Claimed

I would like to work on this task.

Popescu Andrei on December 10 2014 13:07 UTCTask Assigned

This task has been assigned to wltan. You have 100 hours to complete this task, good luck!

wltanon December 14 2014 10:56 UTCReady for review

The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.

Ch3ck on December 14 2014 12:24 UTCGood work

I see you installed tcl/tk succesffully but it was not turned on during the compilation process. I'm not very familiar with Visual studio. Can you get your hands on a linux system? If not try to get tcl/tk turned on during the compilation process. You can log on to our irc channel #brlcad for further assistance.

See what you can do.


Ch3ck on December 14 2014 12:24 UTCTask Needs More Work

One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to satisfy the requirements needed to complete this task, submit your work again and mark the task as complete once you re-submit your work.

wltanon December 14 2014 16:25 UTC

By tcl/tk not being "turned on during the compilation process", I assume you're referring to the last few lines of output in CMake.

Compile Tcl ...........................: OFF

Compile Tk ............................: OFF


From what I understand, it's supposed to be "OFF". ON means that CMake used the bundled sources provided in the BRL-CAD source distribution, and OFF means otherwise. Therefore the objective of this task is not to get ON for those two lines. If they are, then nothing has been accomplished as BRL-CAD is still using the old version 8.5 tcl/tk.

Since I didn't use the bundled version 8.5 tcl/tk sources, the only other place to find them is ActiveTcl, which only has version 8.6 sources. And since the compilation/build still succeeded, I have successfully completed this task.

I'm remarking this task as completed as I believe that I haven't done anything wrong on my side. If I'm really missing something, feel free to revert it. Also a time extension would be appreciated; it's past 12 midnight here, and I won't be free to work for the bulk of the next day.



wltanon December 14 2014 16:25 UTCReady for review

The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.

Melange on December 14 2014 17:07 UTCNo more Work can be submitted

Melange has detected that the deadline has passed and no more work can be submitted. The submitted work should be reviewed.

Ch3ck on December 14 2014 19:07 UTCDeadline extended

The deadline of the task has been extended with 1 days and 0 hours.

Ch3ck on December 14 2014 19:11 UTCGood work

I'll test the code and see. Thanks for the effort

Popescu Andrei on December 15 2014 07:56 UTCTask Closed

Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.