Design a BRL-CAD splash screen #6BRL-CAD
Status: ClosedTime to complete: 100 hrs Mentors: Ishwerdas, DishankTags: image, GUI, 2D, design, graphics, logo, splash screenBeginner

BRL-CAD's new modeling interface, archer, displays a splash screen when you start the program.  This is what it currently looks like:

There are several problems with that image.  It uses our old logo.  It references the wrong website.  It has a massive pointless ""icon"".  It proclaim's archer being trademarked (distracting).

Your task is to design a completely new splash screen that has none of those problems, is visually interesting, optionally incorporates our new logo, and optionally references our main website (

Check out some of the other design tasks for inspiration.  Make yours look even more impressive, artistically interesting. ;)

Submit your image in whatever raw working format you use (e.g., psd), preferably something with layers in case we need to change anything, but also submit a final png image as well.


Uploaded Work
File name/URLFile sizeDate submitted
variants.png297.4 KBDecember 01 2014 17:54 UTC
splashart.psd1.5 MBDecember 01 2014 17:54 UTC
tagline1.png67.1 KBDecember 01 2014 18:20 UTC
tagline2.png67.0 KBDecember 01 2014 18:20 UTC
tagline3.png67.6 KBDecember 01 2014 18:20 UTC
tagline4.png67.8 KBDecember 01 2014 18:20 UTC
tagline5.png67.4 KBDecember 01 2014 18:20 UTC
background3.png168.4 KBDecember 01 2014 19:16 UTC
splashartfinal.psd4.5 MBDecember 02 2014 04:31 UTC
Marc Tannouson December 1 2014 17:03 UTCTask Claimed

I would like to work on this task.

Marc Tannouson December 1 2014 17:04 UTCHello

Hello guys,

I'm Marc Tannous, 16 year old student from Romania and web designer, would like to take this task.

Gauravjeet Singh on December 1 2014 17:04 UTCTask Assigned

This task has been assigned to Marc Tannous. You have 100 hours to complete this task, good luck!

Marc Tannouson December 1 2014 17:09 UTC

Hello, I am on the mirc chat and nobody is here, could you please give me some way of contacting you for further information?




Sean on December 1 2014 17:12 UTC

Hi Marc, no need to say you'd like to claim -- we get notified immediately.  I don't see you joined to our IRC channel.  When you start mirc, you'll need to connect to and join our #brlcad channel.  See for details.  (IRC is also not necessarily instantaneous, read that page and see that etiquette dictates you speak and wait for a response ... which can be seconds or hours later, but make sure you're using it right first!)

Marc Tannouson December 1 2014 17:23 UTC

Sean, do you have any way of giving me a transparent logo of BRL CAD?


Sean on December 1 2014 17:27 UTCgci tasks

One of our GCI tasks involves creating a proper logo set.  Until that is completed, you can see some of the previous GCI tasks related to our logo:

Ishwerdas on December 1 2014 17:29 UTC

You can get few of them here.

Marc Tannouson December 1 2014 17:55 UTC

Posted the PSD, layered version for my initial design, and another PNG file consisting of a few color scheme alterations, maybe you like one better than the initial one.

I chose to go with a modified version of the brlcad logo to fit my simplistic design, but it can quickly be changed into the original one if you consider it more fitting. Waiting for your feedback.


Sean on December 1 2014 18:03 UTCbyline is cheesy

Are you suggesting that you actually like that cheesy byline? :)  "An open source technology built on..."

It's good enough to call the task done if you want to move on, but not a design we'd likely use because it lacks something.  Instead of basing your design on the existing, imagine yourself seeing this splash screen -- what would speak to you as being "oh wow, impressive" or "that's nice!" or "haha, funny -- love it".  Something creative.


Marc Tannouson December 1 2014 18:06 UTC

Oh, thought the byline is something set in stone. Let me come up with some options and I'll be right back. I don't want the task done, I am here to win this not to get as many tasks done as possible, that means I give you guys whatever you want and more.


Sean on December 1 2014 18:08 UTCnothing is set in stone

Nothing is set in stone, at least very little.  There needs to be a dash between BRL and CAD, that's about the only thing set in stone. ;)


Marc Tannouson December 1 2014 18:21 UTC

Are these bylines something that would be considered too mainstream? They surely speak to the average John Doe user, not sure if it's too much though. 

Sean on December 1 2014 18:33 UTCthe first

The first one is the best, the rest... not so much, but they're all very generic.  Coming up with something that hints at 3D or solid modeling would be ideal (e.g., our old byline was "Solid Modeling for a Solid Defense" but again, we now avoid military-sounding terms).


Marc Tannouson December 1 2014 18:37 UTCAre you happy with it?

The first one is really nice, in my opinion and could work really well with brandingidentity, but if you are not content with it I can try and think of something better, but stuff hinting at 3D/modelling are pretty hard to incorporate in a short byline. 
If you are happy with it, tell me if you want some more variants for the design part of the splashart, until you get a more-than-satisfying product.


Sean on December 1 2014 18:56 UTCgood enough

It's good, I'm actually liking that tagline more and more as I think about it.

How about one more attempt at the background?  The colors are nice but look a bit like a powerpoint presentation. Again, a little generic.  :)

Sean on December 1 2014 18:58 UTCfor what it's worth

For what it's worth, I'll usually leave the final evaluation to the assigned mentors (which I believe are both sleeping right now).  Just be sure to mark your task as "needs review" every time you are awaiting feedback so we can notice your task.

Marc Tannouson December 1 2014 19:18 UTCThis looks stunning

Would this background work? This should've been my initial design but I scraped it, however with this new tagline it looks wonderful. Fits your application perfectly, is way more intuitive and looks freemium. Hope you guys all like it!


Marc Tannouson December 1 2014 19:18 UTCReady for review

The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.

Jacob B on December 1 2014 22:04 UTCTask Needs More Work

One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to satisfy the requirements needed to complete this task, submit your work again and mark the task as complete once you re-submit your work.

Jacob B on December 1 2014 22:06 UTCFormat

That looks really nice and different.  I like the lines in the background creating a sense of geometry.  Before we accept this, can you upload the PSD of the latest version?

Marc Tannouson December 2 2014 04:30 UTC

Hello Jacob,

I just uploaded the final PSD, sorry for the delay, it's 6 AM here in Romania, we must be on different time zones. Hope you guys like it as much as I do.


Marc Tannouson December 2 2014 04:31 UTCReady for review

The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.

Jacob B on December 2 2014 04:38 UTCTask Closed

Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.

Mihai Neacsu on December 2 2014 04:50 UTC

Nice job, keep up the good work!

Sean on December 2 2014 05:10 UTC

This is fantastic Marc.  Your change has already been applied to our repository and you have been credited in our authorship documentation (your name will be included in our next public release notes too).  Thank you for your efforts.

Keep an eye out for a slew of logo and icon design tasks that should get posted later in the week.  You might find them interesting as well.