Design a prototype CAD GUI layout #3BRL-CAD
Status: ClosedTime to complete: 72 hrs Mentors: SeanTags:

BRL-CAD's usability is notoriously complex and ''expert friendly''. MGED and Archer are the main geometry editors, with drastically different user interfaces.

This task involves evaluating the features provided by MGED and Archer, then designing a new GUI layout that encompasses their features while improving usability. Rationale for design decisions and layout should be provided.



Provide one or more mock-up images (png, pdf, psd, html, whatever)

Search for other similar GCI tasks to avoid making a similar design. You can use any tools, but your work must be original.

Uploaded Work
File name/URLFile sizeDate submitted
BRL-CAD GUI.psd4.4 MBNovember 28 2013 15:05 UTC
BRL-CAD GUI.psd4.4 MBNovember 29 2013 05:30 UTC
Luke Blueon November 28 2013 03:19 UTCTask Claimed

I would like to work on this task.

Harmanpreet on November 28 2013 06:27 UTCTask Assigned

This task has been assigned to Luke Blue. You have 72 hours to complete this task, good luck!

Luke Blueon November 28 2013 15:05 UTCReady for review

The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.

Luke Blueon November 28 2013 15:33 UTCRationale design decisions

Primitive shapes are on left becuse they are used oftern and would be easily accessible. There is also a mouse hover window telling what shape it is and alowing to set the size, this would make modeling faster.

On the Right toolbar there is view as it is adjusted often and there are also text box to change the valuses of twist, elevation etc. This way less code is need to be typed. Below view there is tools which can be expanded. I left some space below tools, that space can be used to add other buttons which are frequently used.

GraphicsWindow is in center as it is the main part and models can viewed easily. CommandWindow goes hand in hand with GraphicsWindow so it is placed right below it so models can edited. 

There is also a floatingwindow - Database to view all things in database, it can be moved around. This list is very handy so it right there in front. Floating Window can be changed into other option such as Raytrace.

Finally there is the Toptoolbar with diffrent Menu's and search bar to find an option/tool in BRL-CAD or explain a option/tool from documentation.


Thank You. 

Sean on November 29 2013 04:46 UTCreally like this

This is a really nice design, Luke.  I can tell you put a lot of thought into the design and graphics.  Love the style and can see us morphing it into a production design.

The only issue that is a little bothersome is the floating window.  While beaing able to "tear off" any of those primary panels into a floating panel is desirable, requiring something be floating is a usability concern.

That's basically a hierarchy view of the database contents, which is critically important in most CAD systems.  If it were to not be in a floating window, how would you adjust the design?  Please see if you can find a way to incorporate it.

Also, as depicted, it's not clear without your explanation whether the search box will search the currently open database (e.g., search for objects) or search our help system or both or something else altogether different.  How to disambiguate?


Sean on November 29 2013 04:47 UTCtask is complete

This task is "technically complete", but marking as needs more work just to give you a chance to respond to the previous comment's questions with a depiction.


Sean on November 29 2013 04:47 UTCTask Needs More Work

One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to satisfy the requirements needed to complete this task, submit your work again and mark the task as complete once you re-submit your work.

Luke Blueon November 29 2013 05:30 UTCReady for review

The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.

Luke Blueon November 29 2013 05:44 UTCChanges

The Database button can be attached to Right toolbar and when mouse hovers over it a hierarchy view of database is shown. This way it is still easy to view and does not get into way of graphicswindow.

The search box basically searches two things first is the tools such as ADC controlpanel, BoT tool, Color Selector etc, second is it will search documents for e.g A user types "list of command in mged" in search box. So the it will show him the document which contains the list of commands.

Luke Blueon November 29 2013 08:03 UTCEdited file

I am sorry I forgot to rename the new edited file, please download the PSD which is uploaded today(29th november) as I have made changes in that.


Thank you. 

Sean on November 30 2013 04:50 UTCTask Closed

Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.

Sean on November 30 2013 04:56 UTCa little more thought

Luke, the database view placement will require a little more thought because it's not really going to work on the right toolbar alongside "Tools" and "View" options.  All three are accessed very frequently and often you need access to that information simultaneously/quickly (certainly without scrolling).  Moreover, a database rarely has just three elements.  It'll usually have thousands of objects, sometimes millions, all in a hierarchy/graph.

Still, this task is complete and this is a fantastic design.  If you'd like to participate on a future BRL-CAD design team to start working on our next-generation interface, please join the brlcad-devel mailing list (or the brlcad-news one at a minimum) where we will be initiating discussions sometime after GCI is over.