1 BRL-CAD BRL-CAD MGED User Commands brep This command does a boundary representation which represents the solid geometry by describing the topology and corresponding geometry. brep brep brep obj [command|brepname|suffix] DESCRIPTION The brep command will basically represent solid geometric chapes by stating the data of the vertexes, edges, face, points, curves and surfaces of those elements. The command can output information for a specific shape test it. EXAMPLES brep obj.randomobj info F 2 This would output info of the 2nd face of obj.randomobj brep obj.randomobj plot S 1-3 This would plot the 1st to 3rd surfaces of obj.randomobj brep sph1.randomobj intersect sph2.randomobj 2 4 This would intersect sph1.randomobj's 2nd surface with sph2.randomobj's 4th surface. AUTHOR BRLCAD-TEAM BUG REPORTS Reports of bugs or problems should be submitted via electronic mail to <devs@brlcad.org>, or via the "cadbug.sh" script.