Compile BRL-CAD with Intel CompilerBRL-CAD
Status: ClosedTime to complete: 72 hrs Mentors: erikgTags: compile, intel, icc, windows, linux

BRL-CAD builds pervasively on a number of different operating systems, hardware, and compilers.  We actively seek out new compilation environments and like to get them working as best as we can.  We regularly build with Microsoft Visual Studio (the professional one you have to pay for), GCC, and a number of other compilers.  One we have not tested in a long time is the Intel Compiler (available for Windows and Linux)

This task involves attempting to compile BRL-CAD using the Intel Compiler.  You'll need to download our source code, CMake, and ICC.  Compile BRL-CAD using ICC and keep notes of everything you do along the way.  You'll report back any failures and otherwise document all the steps you take.  Submit a complete build log and your notes documenting everything you did.

We will create follow-on tasks if you make any fixes that get the build working.


Uploaded Work
File name/URLFile sizeDate submitted
brlcad-icc-14.0.1-build.log237.1 KBDecember 29 2013 20:46 UTC
icc14.0.1-brlcad-cmakesummary.txt2.0 KBDecember 29 2013 20:46 UTC
icc14.0.1-compile-brlcad.txt141 bytesDecember 29 2013 20:47 UTC
Jacob Burroughson December 29 2013 19:21 UTCTask Claimed

I would like to work on this task.

Sean on December 29 2013 19:24 UTCTask Assigned

This task has been assigned to Jacob B. You have 72 hours to complete this task, good luck!

Jacob Burroughson December 29 2013 20:47 UTCReady for review

The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.

Sean on December 29 2013 21:05 UTCVERBOSE=1

This is actually rather surprising.  Awesome, but surprising.  Would you run these two in the build directory?

make clean

make VERBOSE=1 | tee brlcad_icc_build.log 21

Basically, capturing a verbose build log to see if there are any warnings or other output that I would expect from icc.


Sean on December 29 2013 21:06 UTCTask Closed

Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.