Design a BRL-CAD Sticker #13BRL-CAD
Status: ClosedTime to complete: 168 hrs Mentors: AndreiTags: design, artwork, concept, photoshop, sticker

This task involves designing a BRL-CAD sticker. Make it look good, something you'd be proud to give to all of your friends and family, something you'd put on your laptop or phone case.  Look over some great sticker designs before starting to work on this, including the other completed GCI sticker designs by others.

Simple is good.  Using our formal (the three circles) or informal (moose antlers) logo is great.  Please avoid any military theme (no tanks!), do not use our old eagle logo, but do put a dash in BRL-CAD.  If you use the three circle gear logo, the centers should be white and it must be 300dpi high quality -- use one of the vector versions submitted as a GCI task here or search around for one.

There is no bound shape for the shape of the sticker.  It can be rectangular, circular, or even irregular shaped.  The only thing that matters is that it look really cool.

Logo References:

  • (this is too low resolution)
  • (also too low)
  • (also too low)

You may get some inspiration from our recent book:


Submit your artwork in any file format, but with transparency or dimension settings so we can print them properly.  (png, xcf, or psd work well).  Give your name so we can credit you if you like as well and join our brlcad-news mailing list to hear if we use your sticker design.

Make it look awesome.  LOOK at some of the completed ones and make yours look even better.  :-)


Uploaded Work
File name/URLFile sizeDate submitted
BRL-CAD Stickers.ai362.1 KBDecember 30 2013 19:02 UTC
preview.zip152.8 KBDecember 30 2013 19:02 UTC
BRL-CAD Stickers2.ai365.3 KBDecember 31 2013 05:50 UTC
editable files.zip4.7 MBDecember 31 2013 06:15 UTC
fxg too.fxg199.3 KBDecember 31 2013 06:18 UTC
Anita Leungon December 30 2013 16:50 UTCTask Claimed

I would like to work on this task.

Sean on December 30 2013 18:46 UTCTask Assigned

This task has been assigned to Anita Leung. You have 168 hours to complete this task, good luck!

Anita Leungon December 30 2013 19:02 UTCReady for review

The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.

Anita Leungon December 30 2013 19:07 UTC

Worked a few different versions, hopefully you see one that you like. 

Sean on December 31 2013 05:14 UTCeditable formats

Anita, several of these look great but the .ai file you uploaded seems to just be our logo?

Moreover, of all the versions which is your favorite?


Sean on December 31 2013 05:14 UTCTask Needs More Work

One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to satisfy the requirements needed to complete this task, submit your work again and mark the task as complete once you re-submit your work.

Sean on December 31 2013 05:15 UTCeditable format

Marked as needing more work just so you can upload an editable version for at least some of the more interesting designs (if not all of them).

Anita Leungon December 31 2013 05:51 UTCReady for review

The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.

Anita Leungon December 31 2013 06:00 UTCHm...

I redownloaded what I submitted and all the designs were provided in that file? Make sure you scroll out to see the rest of the artboards, I reuploaded a new file just in case though.

In terms of which design are my favorite, I really like v1 because the layered text/lines look really cool and v7 because of how readable it is.

Sean on December 31 2013 06:07 UTCperhaps incompatibility

Anita, I still just see one layer and our logo, but then I'm also using a slightly older version of AI than you are apparently.  Would you try saving it with compatibility enabled or in a different format?  Could try a couple formats including svg and another ai if they have a compatibility option.


Sean on December 31 2013 06:07 UTCTask Needs More Work

One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to satisfy the requirements needed to complete this task, submit your work again and mark the task as complete once you re-submit your work.

Anita Leungon December 31 2013 06:14 UTCReady for review

The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.

Anita Leungon December 31 2013 06:16 UTCNo problem

I submitted a zip file with a saved svg file, eps files, and one more ai with one flatten layered.

Sean on December 31 2013 06:47 UTCTask Closed

Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.

Sean on December 31 2013 06:50 UTCfrustrating

Well this is frustrating.  I was only able to open the SVG and it was somewhat distorted.  The EPS files are Illustrator EPS files and apparently also incompatible with my older version of AI.

Still, this is more my issue than yours at this point.  If you could also provide PDF files of the logos, that would at least give us a version that could be sent to a printer at proper resolution.  You can e-mail that to devs at brlcad dot org.

Sean on December 31 2013 16:34 UTCclosure

For posterity when aggregating results later, Anita e-mailed other .ai files that opened without issue.  See devs mailbox for files.