Reproduce any 5 unconfirmed open bug reportsBRL-CAD
Status: ClosedTime to complete: 72 hrs Mentors: SeanTags:

BRL-CAD presently has approximately 75 open bug reports of which 50 are unassigned. Read the comments and status to see if the bug has been confirmed/reproduced.

This task involves going through those reports and REPRODUCE at least 5 of the ones that have not been confirmed. When you can reproduce the issue being reported, you'll comment on the thread to state as much and attach any data you used to reproduce the crash.


Uploaded Work
File name/URLFile sizeDate submitted
http.docx11.4 KBDecember 10 2013 22:21 UTC
moon.docx11.0 KBDecember 12 2013 21:06 UTC
moon.docx11.0 KBDecember 12 2013 21:06 UTC
moon.docx11.0 KBDecember 12 2013 21:07 UTC
bugs.txt276 bytesDecember 27 2013 10:47 UTC
Rehema Kyeyuneon December 5 2013 23:30 UTCclaim

i would like to claim this task

Rehema Kyeyuneon December 5 2013 23:32 UTCclaim

i would like to claim this task

Rehema Kyeyuneon December 7 2013 19:54 UTChelp

i really want to do this task but i cant subscribe for it anywhere , helppp

Sean on December 7 2013 20:11 UTCclick the claim button

There should be a "Claim Task" button on the upper right side next to the task title.

Rehema Kyeyuneon December 7 2013 20:46 UTCno button

its not there

Sean on December 7 2013 21:00 UTCpaperwork?

Did you complete the registration process?  You needed to complete all of these steps:


Rehema Kyeyuneon December 7 2013 21:04 UTCso confused

i sighned up for the competition and also uploaded the parental form and student id. is there something else i need to do

Rehema Kyeyuneon December 7 2013 21:05 UTC

and i have already claimed a few tasks , i just cant claim this one

Rehema Kyeyuneon December 7 2013 21:21 UTCTask Claimed

I would like to work on this task.

Gauravjeet Singh on December 8 2013 02:58 UTCTask Assigned

This task has been assigned to Rehema Kyeyune. You have 72 hours to complete this task, good luck!

Rehema Kyeyuneon December 10 2013 22:47 UTCdoing the task

I spent the first day of this task looking up information on bug reports and how to reproduce them . i then attempted to familiarise myself with the sites stated above .

  i then Joined sourceforge and opened up the bugs listed . i then clicked on the open bugs one by one and read comments and their status , i decided to continue on with the bugs only if it showed in the comments that they hadnt been fixed and then attempted to do as the instructions written in the bug report and found that they were indeed bugs.

Some of the instructions were hard to follow as i didnt know the meanings of some words and phrases and i had to first look them up on google or ask people on the internet . I also had to download a few things


Rehema Kyeyuneon December 10 2013 22:50 UTCReady for review

The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.

Melange on December 11 2013 02:58 UTCNo more Work can be submitted

Melange has detected that the deadline has passed and no more work can be submitted. The submitted work should be reviewed.

Sean on December 11 2013 07:31 UTCTask Needs More Work

One of the mentors has sent this task back for more work. Talk to the mentor(s) assigned to this task to satisfy the requirements needed to complete this task, submit your work again and mark the task as complete once you re-submit your work.

Sean on December 11 2013 07:31 UTCDeadline extended

The deadline of the task has been extended with 2 days and 0 hours.

Sean on December 11 2013 07:35 UTCPCMan File Manager

I'm not sure what to make of the .docx file that you submitted.  It includes six links to the PCMan File Manager project, which has nothing to do with BRL-CAD and provides no indication what the status of those links are or should be.

As noted in the task description, you're expected to find 5 bugs, any in our tracker that are unonfirmed (most of them), and reproduce the bug.  If you can reproduce it, you leave a comment on the bug and let us know which 5 you confirmed here and how you confirmed each one.

Rehema Kyeyuneon December 11 2013 23:28 UTC

My bad , i missread the instructions .


DO I Leave a commernt on the actual bug on the BRL CAD page ?

DO i get a LINK the for the bug i found and post it on here as a document or do i just  type it inot the comment section ?

Rehema Kyeyuneon December 11 2013 23:38 UTCquestion

Do i need to use the first link above ( ) for anything . Because i had previously used it to reproduce the bugs i found on it .

Rehema Kyeyuneon December 12 2013 21:06 UTC

this task is too hard , i can hardly follow the instructions ,if this results are wrong then i think i am giving up on it . sorry

Rehema Kyeyuneon December 12 2013 21:07 UTCReady for review

The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.

Rehema Kyeyuneon December 12 2013 21:07 UTCClaim Removed

The claim on this task has been removed, someone else can claim it now.

Rehema Kyeyuneon December 12 2013 21:07 UTCTask Claimed

I would like to work on this task.

Daniel Rossberg on December 13 2013 08:05 UTCTask Assigned

This task has been assigned to Rehema Kyeyune. You have 72 hours to complete this task, good luck!

Melange on December 16 2013 08:05 UTCInitial Deadline passed

Melange has detected that the initial deadline has passed and it has set the task status to ActionNeeded. The student has 24 hours to submit the work before the task is reopened and sent back to the pool for other students to claim.

Melange on December 17 2013 08:05 UTCTask Reopened

Melange has detected that the final deadline has passed and it has reopened the task.

Sharan Narayanon December 25 2013 19:31 UTCTask Claimed

I would like to work on this task.

Kesha Shah on December 25 2013 20:10 UTCTask Assigned

This task has been assigned to Sharan Narayan. You have 72 hours to complete this task, good luck!

Sharan Narayanon December 27 2013 10:47 UTCReady for review

The work on this task is ready to be reviewed.

Sean on December 27 2013 20:04 UTCquestion

Sharan, nice work but one question regarding your comment on the last one,

How exactly were you able to reproduce the bug? It's unclear if you're saying that the command window was still open (in which case MGED was still running) or if you reproduced it by closing both the graphics and command window.


Sean on December 27 2013 20:04 UTCTask Closed

Congratulations, this task has been completed successfully.

Sharan Narayanon December 27 2013 20:08 UTCReply

I closed the MGED by pressing the cross or x button of the graphics window and command window

But there was still a black cmd in the background,which is often ignored by most people