------------------------------------ BUILDBOT SLAVE FOR LINUX ------------------------------------ Dependencies(All of which can be and have been installed using apt-get): 1. python-twisted 2. zope.interface 3. python-devel These also might be needed(Don't know, since these might have already been installed on my linux. Installing thse might fix errors that may come up): 1. development-tools, development-libs 2. java, java-development 3. kde-desktop, kde-software-development 4. xfce-desktop, xfce-software-development 5. x-software-development Installation: 1. "sudo apt-get install buildbot" installs buildbot. 2. mkdir linslave 3. "buildslave create-slave linslave crit.brlcad.org:8090 linux-slave BclinuxSlave!" in the terminal creates the slave in folder "linslave" with name "linux-slave" and authentication password "BclinuxSlave!" and tells it to connect to crit.brlcad.org on port 8090. 4. master.cfg has been edited appropriately to support the new slave.